Tutorial: Custom Capturing and Rendering

Custom Capturing and Rendering

Function Description

This article mainly introduces the advanced usage of custom capture and custom rendering.

Custom Capture

By default, startLocalVideo() and startLocalAudio() will start camera and microphone, trtc.startScreenShare() will start screen sharing.

If you need to customize the capture:

  • trtc.startLocalAudio({ option: { audioTrack }})
    • After passing this parameter, the SDK will not capture the microphone and use the custom audioTrack to publish the stream.
    • If microphoneId and audioTrack are set at the same time, the capture priority is microphoneId > audioTrack, but it is not recommended to mix them.
  • trtc.startLocalVideo({ option: { videoTrack }})
    • After passing this parameter, the SDK will not capture the camera, the custom captured videoTrack will be published as main stream.
    • If you set cameraId, useFrontCamera, videoTrack at the same time, the capture priority is cameraId > useFrontCamera > videoTrack, but it is not recommended to mix them.
  • trtc.startScreenShare({ option: { videoTrack }})
    • After passing this parameter, the SDK will not capture screen share, the custom captured videoTrack will be published as sub stream.

There are usually several ways to obtain audioTrack and videoTrack:

Capture the video being played in the video tag

// Check if your current browser supports capturing streams from video elements
if (!HTMLVideoElement.prototype.captureStream) {
  console.log('your browser does not support capturing stream from video element');
// Get the video tag that is playing video on your page
const video = document.getElementByID('your-video-element-ID');
// Capture the video stream from the playing video
const stream = video.captureStream();
const audioTrack = stream.getAudioTracks()[0];
const videoTrack = stream.getVideoTracks()[0];
trtc.startLocalVideo({ option:{ videoTrack } });
trtc.startLocalAudio({ option:{ audioTrack } });

Capture the animation in the canvas

// Check if your current browser supports capturing streams from canvas elements
if (!HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.captureStream) {
  console.log('your browser does not support capturing stream from canvas element');
// Get your canvas tag
const canvas = document.getElementByID('your-canvas-element-ID');
// Capture a 15 fps video stream from the canvas
const fps = 15;
const stream = canvas.captureStream(fps);
const videoTrack = stream.getVideoTracks()[0];
trtc.startLocalVideo({ option:{ videoTrack } });

Custom Rendering

By default, when calling startLocalVideo() or startRemoteVideo(), you need to pass in the view parameter. The SDK will create a video tag under the specified element tag to play the video.

If you need to customize the rendering, and do not need the SDK to play the video, you can refer to the following steps:

  • Do not fill in the view parameter or pass in null when calling the startLocalVideo or startRemoteVideo method.
  • Listen the TRTC.EVENT.TRACK, SDK will fires this event when there has a new MediaStreamTrack, then you can get the MediaStreamTrack for custom rendering.
  • Use your own player for video rendering.
  • If you using the custom rendering, the VIDEO_PLAY_STATE_CHANGED event will not be fired. You need to listen to the mute/unmute/ended events of the video track MediaStreamTrack to determine the status of the current video data stream.
  • For remote video, you also need to listen to the REMOTE_VIDEO_AVAILABLE and REMOTE_VIDEO_UNAVAILABLE events to handle the lifecycle of remote video.

Custom rendering by TRTC.EVENT.TRACK

trtc.on(TRTC.EVENT.TRACK, event => {
  const isLocal = event.userId === ''; // userId === '' means event.track is a local track, otherwise it's a remote track
  const isSubStream = event.streamType === TRTC.TYPE.STREAM_TYPE_SUB; // Usually the sub stream is a screen-sharing video stream.
  const mediaStreamTrack = event.track; 
  const kind = event.track.kind; // audio or video