Tutorial: Setting Camera Profile

Setting Camera Profile

This article mainly introduces how to set video properties in video calls or interactive live broadcasts. Developers can adjust the clarity and fluency of the video according to specific business needs to obtain a better user experience. Video properties include resolution, frame rate, and bit rate.


Set the video properties through the startLocalVideo() or updateLocalVideo() method of the trtc object:

  • Specify a predefined Profile, each Profile corresponds to a set of recommended resolution, frame rate, and bit rate.
// Specify video properties when starting
await trtc.startLocalVideo({
  option: { profile: '480p' }
// Dynamically adjust video properties during the call
await trtc.updateLocalVideo({
  option: { profile: '360p' }
  • Specify custom resolution, frame rate, and bit rate
// Specify video properties when starting
await trtc.startLocalVideo({
  option: { profile: { width: 640, height: 480, frameRate: 15, bitrate: 900 /* kpbs */} }
// Dynamically adjust video properties during the call
await trtc.updateLocalVideo({
  option: { profile: { width: 640, height: 360, frameRate: 15, bitrate: 800 /* kpbs */} }

Video Property Profile List

Video Profile Resolution (width x height) Frame Rate (fps) Bit Rate (kbps)
120p 160 x 120 15 200
180p 320 x 180 15 350
240p 320 x 240 15 400
360p 640 x 360 15 800
480p 640 x 480 15 900
720p 1280 x 720 15 1500
1080p 1920 x 1080 15 2000
1440p 2560 x 1440 30 4860
4K 3840 x 2160 30 9000
  • Due to device and browser limitations, the video resolution may not match exactly. In this case, the browser will automatically adjust the resolution to be close to the resolution corresponding to the Profile.