Tutorial: Turn On/Off Camera/Mic

Turn On/Off Camera/Mic

Function Description

This article mainly introduces how to dynamically turn on and off the camera and microphone during a call and detect the microphone and camera on/off state of remote users

Dynamically turn on/off microphone and camera

The following plans have their own advantages, and you can choose according to project requirements.

In the following three plans, the behaviors are consistent:

Plan One (Recommended): Use updateLocalVideo() updateLocalAudio() mute parameter.

This plan turns off the microphone and camera, but does not stop device collection. The camera and microphone "collection lights" will be on. This plan is a "software-level" operation to turn off the device, so its advantage is that it is faster to reopen the device.

// First time opening the camera
await trtc.startLocalVideo();
// Turn off the camera. After turning off the camera, the camera preview screen will become black, and you can display the business side's own UI mask at this time.
await trtc.updateLocalVideo({ mute: true });
// Turn on the camera
await trtc.updateLocalVideo({ mute: false });

Since it takes some time for the microphone to start, the user's voice may be missed during this period. Therefore, we recommend that you use this plan to implement the mute and unmute functions instead of stopLocalAudio in Plan Two.

In addition, after updateLocalAudio({ mute: true }), a very low bit rate mute packet will be sent.

This is very suitable for scenarios that need cloud recording, because video files in formats such as MP4 have high requirements for the continuity of audio data. Using stopLocalAudio will cause the recorded MP4 file to be difficult to play. Therefore, in scenarios where the quality of the recording file is relatively high, it is recommended to choose this plan.

// First time opening the microphone
await trtc.startLocalAudio();
// Turn off the microphone
await trtc.updateLocalAudio({ mute: true });
// Turn on the microphone
await trtc.updateLocalAudio({ mute: false });

Detect whether the user is talking or not after the user mute the microphone.

const trtc = TRTC.create();
await trtc.startLocalAudio();
let isAudioMuted = false;
await trtc.updateLocalAudio({ mute: true });
isAudioMuted = true;
// create a new trtc instance for detecting the volume of microphone.
const trtcA = TRTC.create();
trtcA.on(TRTC.EVENT.AUDIO_VOLUME, event => {
  event.result.forEach(item => {
      // 1. userId === '' is local volume.
      // 2. It is generally believed that when the volume is greater than 10, the user is talking, and you can also customize this threshold.
      if (item.userId === '' && item.volume > 10 && isAudioMuted) {
        // The user is speaking after microphone muted.
await trtcA.startLocalAudio();

Plan Two: Use stopLocalVideo() stopLocalAudio() method

After turning off the microphone and camera in this plan, the device collection will stop, and the camera and microphone "collection lights" will go out. When the camera is reopened, the camera will be recollected.

// Turn off the camera
await trtc.stopLocalVideo();
// Turn on the camera
// 'local-video' is the element id in the DOM used to play the local camera video container.
await trtc.startLocalVideo({ view: 'local-video' });
// Turn off the microphone
await trtc.stopLocalAudio();
// Turn on the microphone
await trtc.startLocalAudio();

Plan Three: Use updateLocalVideo() updateLocalAudio() publish parameter.

This plan turns off the microphone and camera, but does not stop device collection. The camera and microphone "collection lights" will be on. The difference between this plan and Plan Two is that after turning off the camera, the local camera can still preview the camera screen, and other users in the room cannot see the local camera.

// First time opening the camera
await trtc.startLocalVideo();
// Turn off the camera. After turning off the camera, the local camera can still preview the camera screen, and other users in the room cannot see the local camera.
await trtc.updateLocalVideo({ publish: false });
// Turn on the camera
await trtc.updateLocalVideo({ publish: true });
// First time opening the microphone
await trtc.startLocalAudio();
// Turn off the microphone
await trtc.updateLocalAudio({ publish: false });
// Turn on the microphone
await trtc.updateLocalAudio({ publish: true });

Set placeholder image on camera stream

Since trtc-sdk-v5@5.4.0, startLocalVideo() and updateLocalVideo() supports setting placeholder image on camera stream.

This will let both the local video and the remote video to be displayed as the placeholder image, achieving a soft mute effect. Note that the remote user will not receive the mute event. it does not support calling when the camera is turned off.

Note that if the camera is already in the mute state before setting, other users in the room will receive the REMOTE_AUDIO_AVAILABLE event after setting the shim.

Screen sharing does not currently support setting spacers.

await trtc.startLocalVideo({ mute: 'https://...' });
// or
await trtc.updateLocalVideo({ mute: 'https://...' }); // some image url

Detecting the microphone and camera on/off state of remote users

Suppose there are two users A and B.

  1. After A enters the room successfully, if there is another anchor B in the room, A will receive REMOTE_USER_ENTER event.
  2. At this point, A can assume that B has not turned on the microphone or camera.
  3. If A receives a REMOTE_AUDIO_AVAILABLE or REMOTE_VIDEO_AVAILABLE event from B, it means B has turned on the microphone or camera.