TRTC SDK v5.0 defines 8 types of error codes, and handles them through the RtcError object.

// Usage:
// 1. API call error
trtc.startLocalVideo().catch(error => {
 if (error.code === TRTC.ERROR_CODE.DEVICE_ERROR) {}
// 2. Non-API call error, the error that the SDK cannot recover after internal retry
trtc.on(TRTC.EVENT.ERROR, (error) => {
   if (error.code === TRTC.ERROR_CODE.OPERATION_FAILED) {}



Default Value:
  • 5000

Description: The parameters passed in when calling the interface do not meet the API requirements.
Handling suggestion: Please check whether the passed-in parameters comply with the API specifications, such as whether the parameter type is correct.

extraCode Description
5001 The required parameter is not passed in
5002 The parameter type is incorrect
5003 The parameter is empty
5004 The parameter instance is incorrect
5005 The parameter value is out of range
5006 The parameter value is less than 0
5007 The parameter value is less than the minimum value
5008 The parameter value is greater than the maximum value
5009 The elementId cannot be found on the page or was not found on the page when searching
5010 The parameter passed in is not of type HTMLElement
5011 streamId does not meet the specifications
5012 The range of the incoming roomId does not comply with the specifications [1, 4294967294]
5013 The strRoomId type passed in is not a legal string
5014 When the userId is not '*', a streamType needs to be passed in
5015 roomId or strRoomId not passed in, one of them must be passed in
5016 roomId must be a numeric type. Currently, a string type has been passed in. If you need to use a string as the room id, please use strRoomId
5017 The size of arraybuffer cannot be empty. Thrown from TRTC.sendSEIMessage, TRTC.sendCustomMessage
5018 The arraybuffer is oversize. Thrown from TRTC.sendSEIMessage, TRTC.sendCustomMessage


Default Value:
  • 5100

Description: The prerequisite requirements of the API are not met when calling the interface.
Handling suggestion: Please check whether the calling logic complies with the API prerequisite requirements according to the corresponding API document. For example: 1. Switching roles before entering the room successfully, 2. The remote user and stream being played do not exist.

extraCode Description
5101 The API is called without entering the room, such as startRemoteVideo muteRemoteAudio switchRole and other APIs need to be called after entering the room
5102 The remote user does not exist, for example, when startRemoteVideo is called, the userId passed in corresponds to a remote user who is not in the room.
5103 The remote stream type does not exist, for example, when startRemoteVideo is called, streamType = TRTC.TYPE.STREAM_TYPE.SUB is passed in, but the corresponding remote user does not share the screen.
5104 Repeatedly calling the API, for example, after entering the room successfully, enterRoom interface is called again.
5105 Calling the API without the camera being enabled. For example, virtual background plugins require the camera to be enabled for use.
5106 Calling the API without the microphone being enabled. For example, AI noise reduction plugins require the microphone to be enabled for use.
5107 Role TRTC.TYPE.ROLE_AUDIENCE cannot call this api.
5108 You should enable SEI by TRTC.create({ enableSEI: true })
5109 You need to publish video before sendSEIMessage


Default Value:
  • 5200

Description: The current environment does not support this function, indicating that the current browser does not support calling the corresponding API.
Handling suggestion: Usually, TRTC.isSupported can be used to perceive which capabilities the current browser supports. If the browser does not support it, you need to guide the user to use a browser that supports this capability. Reference: Check Environment and Device Before Calls

extraCode Description
5201 The current page protocol is not HTTPS, and the audio and video capture (pushing, linking) capabilities are not supported
5202 The current browser does not support WebRTC capabilities, the browser version is too low, or
5203 The browser does not support H264 encoding capability
5204 The browser does not support H264 decoding capability
5205 The browser does not support screen sharing capability
5206 The browser does not support small stream encoding capability
5207 The browser does not support SEI receiving and sending capabilities
5208 The browser does not support WebGL.
5209 The current version of the browser does not support this feature. Please upgrade to the latest version.


Default Value:
  • 5300

Description: Exception occurred when obtaining device or capturing microphone/camera/screen sharing.

The following API will throw this error code when an exception occurs: trtc.startLocalAudio trtc.startLocalVideo trtc.startScreenShare

Suggestion: Guide the user to check whether the device has a camera and microphone, whether the system has authorized the browser, and whether the browser has authorized the page. It is recommended to increase the device detection process before entering the room to confirm whether the microphone and camera exist and can be captured normally before proceeding to the next call operation. Usually, this exception can be avoided after the device check. Check Environment and Device Before Calls

If you need to distinguish more detailed exception categories, you can process according to the following extraCode:

extraCode Description
5301 NotFoundError(DOMException) thrown by the browser
Reason: The media device type that meets the request parameters cannot be found (including: audio, video, screen sharing). For example: The PC does not have a camera, but the browser is requested to obtain a video stream, which will report this error.
Suggestion: It is recommended to guide users to check the camera or microphone and other external devices required for the call before the call.
5302 NotAllowedError(DOMException) thrown by the browser
  • The user refused the microphone, camera, and screen sharing requests of the current browser instance.
  • The permission of camera/microphone/screen sharing has been denied by system.

  • Suggestion:
  • Prompt the user to authorize the camera/microphone access before audio and video calls can be made.
  • If the browser permission is denied by the system, rtcError will have rtcError.handler method, which can be called to jump to the System Permission Setting APP, so as to facilitate the user to open the permission.
  • 5303 NotReadableError(DOMException) thrown by the browser
    Reason: Although the user has authorized the use of the corresponding device, due to errors that occurred on some hardware, browser, or webpage levels on the operating system, or other applications occupying the device, the device cannot be accessed by the browser.
    Suggestion: Handle according to the browser's error message, and prompt the user: "Unable to access the camera/microphone temporarily, please ensure that there are no other applications requesting access to the camera/microphone, and try again"
    5303 NotReadableError(DOMException) thrown by the browser
    Reason: Although the user has authorized the use of the corresponding device, due to errors that occurred on some hardware, browser, or webpage levels on the operating system, or other applications occupying the device, the device cannot be accessed by the browser.
    Suggestion: 1-If this problem occurs with Windows Camera, the user will be directed to check whether the device is occupied. Only the camera of Windows system will be exclusive, but the microphone will not be exclusive. 2-If this error occurs with the microphone and camera of other systems, the user will be directed to check whether the device is normal or try to restart the browser.
    5304 OverconstrainedError(DOMException) thrown by the browser
    Reason: The value of the cameraId/microphoneId parameter is invalid
    Suggestion: Check whether cameraId/microphoneId is the value returned by the device information acquisition interface
    5305 InvalidStateError(DOMException) thrown by the browser
    Reason: The current page has not generated interaction, and the page is not fully activated
    Suggestion: It is recommended to turn on the camera and microphone after the user has clicked on the page to generate interaction
    5306 SecurityError(DOMException) thrown by the browser
    Reason: The system security policy prohibits the use of the device
    Suggestion: Check whether the system restricts the use of the device, and recommend turning on the camera and microphone after the user clicks on the page to generate interaction
    5307 AbortError(DOMException) thrown by the browser
    Reason: The device cannot be used due to some unknown reasons
    Suggestion: It is recommended to replace the device or browser, and recheck whether the device is normal
    5308 Camera capture exception, after SDK retry, the capture cannot be restored.
    Reason: Camera exception or the user manually closes the capture permission of the browser
    Suggestion: Prompt the user that the camera capture is abnormal, and guide the user to check whether the camera is normal and whether there is a capture permission
    5309 Microphone capture exception, after SDK retry, the capture cannot be restored.
    Reason: Microphone exception or the user manually closes the capture permission of the browser
    Suggestion: Prompt the user that the microphone capture is abnormal, and guide the user to check whether the microphone is normal and whether there is a capture permission

    Reference: getUserMedia exception and getDisplayMedia exception

    trtc.startLocalVideo(...).catch(function(rtcError) {
     if(rtcError.code == TRTC.ERROR_CODE.DEVICE_ERROR) {
       // Guide the user to check the device
       switch(rtcError.extraCode) {
         case 5301:
           // Can't find a camera or microphone, guide the user to check if the microphone and camera are working.
         case 5302:
           if (error.handler) {
             // Prompt the user the browser permission(camera/microphone/screen sharing) has been denied by system. The browser will jump to the System Settings APP, please enable the relevant permissions!
           } else {
             // Prompt the user to allow camera, microphone, and screen share capture permissions on the page.
         // ...

    (static) SERVER_ERROR

    Default Value:
    • 5400

    Description: This error code is thrown when abnormal data is returned from the server.
    The following interfaces will throw this error code when an exception occurs: enterRoom, startLocalVideo, startLocalAudio, startScreenShare, startRemoteVideo, switchRole
    Handling suggestion: Server exceptions are usually handled during development. Common exceptions include: expired userSig, Tencent Cloud account arrears, TRTC service not enabled, etc. The server returns abnormal data for the following reasons.

    extraCode Description
    5401 The feature requires a purchase of a package.
    -8 Incorrect sdkAppId, please check if sdkAppId is correctly filled in
    -10012 roomId is not passed in or roomId does not meet the specifications. If you need to use the string type roomId, please use strRoomId instead when calling trtc.enterRoom
    -10015 Failed to obtain server node
    -10016 Server internal communication timeout, timeout is 3s
    -100006 Failed to check permissions. After enabling advanced permission control, please check whether the privateMapKey parameter carried by enterRoom is correct. Please see Enable advanced permission settings
    -100013 Customer service arrears, please log in to the TRTC Console, click the application you created, click [Account Information], and you can confirm the service status in the account information panel
    -100021 Server overload, failed to enter the room
    -100022 Server allocation failed
    -100024 Failed to enter the room due to TRTC service not enabled. Please go to the IM Console to enable TRTC service for your application
    -102006 Flow control defined error code (add user failed)
    -102010 After enabling advanced permission control, the user does not have the permission to create a room. Please see Enable advanced permission settings
    -102023 Request parameter error (request parameter error generated by the backend interface service)
    70001 userSig expired, please try to regenerate. If it expires just after generation, please check whether the validity period is too small or mistakenly filled in as 0
    70002 userSig length is 0, please confirm whether the signature calculation is correct, access sign_src to get the idiotic source code of the calculation signature, check the parameters, and ensure the correctness of the signature calculation
    70003 userSig verification failed, please confirm whether the userSig content is truncated, such as content truncation caused by insufficient buffer length
    70004 userSig verification failed, please confirm whether the userSig content is truncated, such as content truncation caused by insufficient buffer length
    70005 userSig verification failed, use tools to verify whether the generated userSig is correct
    70006 userSig verification failed, use tools to verify whether the generated userSig is correct
    70007 userSig verification failed, use tools to verify whether the generated userSig is correct
    70008 userSig verification failed, use tools to verify whether the generated userSig is correct
    70009 Failed to verify userSig with business public key, please confirm whether the userSig used for generation corresponds to the private key and sdkAppId
    70010 userSig verification failed, use tools to verify whether the generated userSig is correct
    70013 userId in userSig does not match the userId filled in when requesting, please check whether the userId filled in when logging in is consistent with that in userSig
    70014 sdkAppId in userSig does not match the sdkAppId filled in when requesting, please check whether the sdkAppId filled in when logging in is consistent with that in userSig
    70015 No verification method corresponding to the sdkAppId and account type was found. Please confirm whether the account integration operation has been performed
    70016 The length of the pulled public key is 0. Please confirm whether the public key has been uploaded. If the public key is re-uploaded, please try again after ten minutes.
    70017 Internal third-party ticket verification timed out. Please try again. If multiple retries are unsuccessful, please contact TLS account support, QQ: 3268519604.
    70018 Internal verification of third-party tickets failed.
    70019 The ticket field verified by HTTPS is empty. Please fill in userSig correctly.
    70020 sdkAppId not found. Please confirm whether it has been configured on Tencent Cloud.
    70052 userSig has expired. Please regenerate and try again.
    70101 Request packet information is empty.
    70102 Account type in request packet is incorrect.
    70103 Phone number format is incorrect.
    70104 Email format is incorrect.
    70105 TLS account format is incorrect.
    70106 Illegal account format type.
    70107 userId is not registered.
    70113 Batch quantity is invalid.
    70114 Restricted for security reasons.
    70115 uin is not the developer uin corresponding to sdkAppId.
    70140 sdkAppId and acctype do not match.
    70145 Account type is incorrect.
    70169 Internal error. Please try again. If multiple retries are unsuccessful, please contact TLS account support, QQ: 3268519604.
    70201 Internal error. Please try again. If multiple retries are unsuccessful, please contact TLS account support, QQ: 3268519604.
    70202 Internal error. Please try again. If multiple retries are unsuccessful, please contact TLS account support, QQ: 3268519604.
    70203 Internal error. Please try again. If multiple retries are unsuccessful, please contact TLS account support, QQ: 3268519604.
    70204 sdkAppId does not have a corresponding acctype.
    70205 Failed to find acctype. Please try again.
    70206 Batch quantity in request is invalid.
    70207 Internal error. Please try again.
    70208 Internal error. Please try again.
    70209 Failed to obtain developer uin flag.
    70210 uin in request is not a developer uin.
    70211 uin in request is illegal.
    70212 Internal error. Please try again. If multiple retries are unsuccessful, please contact TLS account support, QQ: 3268519604.
    70213 Failed to access internal data. Please try again. If multiple retries are unsuccessful, please contact TLS account support, QQ: 3268519604.
    70214 Failed to verify internal ticket.
    70221 Invalid login status, please re-authenticate with UserSig.
    70222 Internal error, please try again.
    70225 Internal error, please try again. If multiple retries are unsuccessful, please contact TLS account support, QQ: 3268519604.
    70231 Internal error, please try again. If multiple retries are unsuccessful, please contact TLS account support, QQ: 3268519604.
    70236 Failed to verify user signature.
    70308 Internal error, please try again. If multiple retries are unsuccessful, please contact TLS account support, QQ: 3268519604.
    70346 Ticket verification failed.
    70347 Ticket verification failed due to expiration.
    70348 Internal error, please try again. If multiple retries are unsuccessful, please contact TLS account support, QQ: 3268519604.
    70362 Internal timeout, please try again. If multiple retries are unsuccessful, please contact TLS account support, QQ: 3268519604.
    70401 Internal error, please try again.
    70402 Invalid parameter. Please check if the required fields are filled in and if the filling meets the protocol requirements.
    70403 The initiator is not an App administrator and does not have permission to operate.
    70050 Limited due to failure and too many retries. Please check if the ticket is correct and try again in one minute.
    70051 The account has been blacklisted. Please contact TLS account support, QQ: 3268519604.


    Default Value:
    • 5500

    Description: The exception that the SDK cannot solve after multiple retries under the condition of meeting the API call requirements, usually caused by browser or network problems.
    The following interfaces will throw this error code when an exception occurs: enterRoom, startLocalVideo, startLocalAudio, startScreenShare, startRemoteVideo, switchRole
    Handling suggestions:

    extraCode Description
    5501 Firewall restriction: After multiple retries, the SDK still cannot establish a media connection, which will cause streaming and pulling to fail.
    Handling suggestions: Refer to the tutorial Handle Firewall Restriction
    5502 Re-entering the room failed: When the user experiences a network outage of more than 30s, the SDK will try to re-enter the room to restore the call, but the re-entry may fail due to the expiration of userSig, and this error will be thrown.
    Handling suggestions: When encountering this error, you can use the latest userSig to call TRTC.enterRoom to enter the room again
    5503 Re-entering the room failed: When the user experiences a network outage of more than 30s, the SDK will try to re-enter the room to restore the call, but the re-entry may fail due to the expiration of userSig, and this error will be thrown.
    Handling suggestions: When encountering this error, you can use the latest userSig to call TRTC.enterRoom to enter the room again

    (static) OPERATION_ABORT

    Default Value:
    • 5998

    Description: The error code thrown when the API execution is aborted. When the API is called or repeatedly called without meeting the API lifecycle, the API will abort execution to avoid meaningless operations.
    For example: Call enterRoom, startLocalXxx and other interfaces continuously, and call exitRoom without entering the room.
    The following interfaces will throw this error code when an exception occurs: enterRoom, startLocalVideo, startLocalAudio, startScreenShare, startRemoteVideo, switchRole
    Handling suggestions: Capture and identify this error code, then avoid unnecessary calls in business logic, or you can do nothing, because the SDK has done side-effect-free processing, you only need to identify and ignore this error code when catching it.

    (static) UNKNOWN_ERROR

    Default Value:
    • 5999

    Description: Unknown error or undefined error
    Handling suggestions: Contact us on telegram