Tencent Cloud TRTC Core Function Interface.
Creating TRTC object
import TRTCCloud from 'trtc-electron-sdk';
const rtcCloud = TRTCCloud.getTRTCShareInstance();
Setting event callbacks
subscribeEvents = (rtcCloud) => {
rtcCloud.on('onError', (errcode, errmsg) => {'trtc_demo: onError :' + errcode + " msg" + errmsg);
rtcCloud.on('onEnterRoom', (elapsed) => {'trtc_demo: onEnterRoom elapsed: elapsed:' + elapsed);
rtcCloud.on('onExitRoom', (reason) => {'trtc_demo: onExitRoom reason:' + reason);
TRTCCloud singleton creation and termination APIs
API | Description |
getTRTCShareInstance | Creates a TRTCCloud singleton object during dynamic DLL loading. |
destroyTRTCShareInstance | Releases a TRTCCloud singleton object and frees up resources. |
Room APIs
API | Description |
enterRoom | Enters a room. If the room does not exist, the system will create one automatically. |
exitRoom | Leaves a room. |
switchRoom | Switches rooms. |
switchRole | Switches roles. This API applies only to the live streaming modes (TRTCAppSceneLIVE and TRTCAppSceneVoiceChatRoom ). |
connectOtherRoom | Requests a cross-room call (anchor competition). |
disconnectOtherRoom | Ends a cross-room call (anchor competition). |
setDefaultStreamRecvMode | Sets the audio/video receiving mode (must be called before room entry to take effect). |
CDN & Mix Stream APIs
API | Description |
startPublishMediaStream | Start publishing media stream |
updatePublishMediaStream | Update publishing stream |
stopPublishMediaStream | Stop publishing media stream |
startPublishing | Starts publishing to Tencent Cloud’s live streaming CDN. |
stopPublishing | Stops publishing to Tencent Cloud’s live streaming CDN. |
startPublishCDNStream | Starts relaying to the live streaming CDN of a non-Tencent Cloud vendor. |
stopPublishCDNStream | Stops relaying to the live streaming CDN of a non-Tencent Cloud vendor. |
setMixTranscodingConfig | Sets On-Cloud MixTranscoding parameters. |
Video APIs
API | Description |
startLocalPreview | Enables capturing and preview of the local camera. |
stopLocalPreview | Disables capturing and preview of the local camera. |
muteLocalVideo | Blocks/Unblocks local video. |
startRemoteView | Starts playing the video of a remote user. |
stopRemoteView | Stops playing and pulling the video of a remote user. |
stopAllRemoteView | Stops playing and pulling the videos of all remote users. |
muteRemoteVideoStream | Pauses/Resumes receiving the video of a specified remote user. |
muteAllRemoteVideoStreams | Pauses/Resumes receiving the videos of all remote users. |
setVideoEncoderParam | Sets video encoder parameters. |
setNetworkQosParam | Set network quality control parameters. |
setLocalRenderParams | Sets rendering parameters for the local image (primary stream). |
setLocalViewFillMode | Sets the rendering mode of the local image (disused). |
setRemoteRenderParams | Sets rendering parameters for a remote image. |
setRemoteViewFillMode | Sets the rendering mode of a remote image (disused). |
setLocalViewRotation | Sets the clockwise rotation of the local image (disused). |
setRemoteViewRotation | Sets the clockwise rotation of a remote image (disused). |
setVideoEncoderRotation | Sets the rotation of encoded video images, i.e., images presented to remote users and recorded by the server. |
setLocalViewMirror | Sets the mirror mode of the local camera's preview image (disused). |
setVideoEncoderMirror | Sets the mirror mode of encoded images. |
enableSmallVideoStream | Enables/Disables the dual-channel (big and small images) encoding mode. |
setRemoteVideoStreamType | Sets whether to view the big or small image of a specified user (userId ). |
snapshotVideo | Takes a video screenshot. |
setPriorRemoteVideoStreamType | Sets video quality preference for audience (disused). |
startLocalRecording | Start local media recording. |
stopLocalRecording | Stop local media recording. |
Audio APIs
API | Description |
startLocalAudio | Enables local audio capturing and publishing. |
stopLocalAudio | Disables local audio capturing and publishing. |
muteLocalAudio | Mutes/Unmutes the local user. |
muteRemoteAudio | Mutes a remote user and stops pulling the user’s audio. |
muteAllRemoteAudio | Mutes all remote users and stops pulling their audio. |
setRemoteAudioVolume | Sets the playback volume of a remote user. |
setAudioCaptureVolume | Sets the SDK capturing volume. |
getAudioCaptureVolume | Gets the SDK capturing volume. |
setAudioPlayoutVolume | Sets the SDK playback volume. |
getAudioPlayoutVolume | Gets the SDK playback volume. |
enableAudioVolumeEvaluation | Enables/Disables the volume reminder. |
startAudioRecording | Starts audio recording. |
stopAudioRecording | Stops audio recording. |
setAudioQuality | Sets audio quality (disused). |
Camera Device APIs
API | Description |
getCameraDevicesList | Gets the camera list. |
setCurrentCameraDevice | Sets the camera to use. |
getCurrentCameraDevice | Gets the camera currently in use. |
Audio Device APIs
API | Description |
getMicDevicesList | Gets the mic list. |
getCurrentMicDevice | Gets the mic currently in use. |
setCurrentMicDevice | Sets the mic to use. |
getCurrentMicDeviceVolume | Gets the current mic volume. |
setCurrentMicDeviceVolume | Sets the current mic volume. |
setCurrentMicDeviceMute | Mutes/Unmutes the current mic. |
getCurrentMicDeviceMute | Gets whether the current mic is muted. |
getSpeakerDevicesList | Gets the speaker list. |
getCurrentSpeakerDevice | Gets the speaker currently in use. |
setCurrentSpeakerDevice | Sets the speaker to use. |
getCurrentSpeakerVolume | Gets the current speaker volume. |
setCurrentSpeakerVolume | Sets the current speaker volume. |
setCurrentSpeakerDeviceMute | Mutes/Unmutes the current speaker. |
getCurrentSpeakerDeviceMute | Gets whether the current speaker is muted. |
enableFollowingDefaultAudioDevice | Set the audio device used by SDK to follow the system default device. |
Beauty & Watermark APIs
API | Description |
setBeautyStyle | Sets the strength of the beauty, skin brightening, and rosy skin filters. |
setWaterMark | Sets the watermark. |
Substream(Screen Share) APIs
API | Description |
startRemoteSubStreamView | Starts rendering the substream (screen sharing) image of a remote user (disused). |
stopRemoteSubStreamView | Stops rendering the substream (screen sharing) image of a remote user (disused). |
setRemoteSubStreamViewFillMode | Sets the rendering mode of substream (screen sharing) images (disused). |
setRemoteSubStreamViewRotation | Sets the clockwise rotation of substream (screen sharing) images (disused). |
getScreenCaptureSources | Enumerates shareable sources. |
selectScreenCaptureTarget | Sets screen sharing parameters. This API can be called during screen sharing. |
startScreenCapture | Starts screen sharing. |
pauseScreenCapture | Pauses screen sharing. |
resumeScreenCapture | Resumes screen sharing. |
stopScreenCapture | Stops screen sharing. |
setSubStreamEncoderParam | Sets encoder parameters for substream (screen sharing) images. |
setSubStreamMixVolume | Sets the audio mixing volume of substream (screen sharing) video. |
addExcludedShareWindow | Adds a specified window to the exclusion list of screen sharing. Windows in the list will not be shared. |
removeExcludedShareWindow | Removes a specified window from the exclusion list of screen sharing. |
removeAllExcludedShareWindow | Removes all windows from the exclusion list of screen sharing. |
Custom Rendering APIs
API | Description |
setLocalVideoRenderCallback | Set the callback of custom rendering for local video |
setRemoteVideoRenderCallback | Set the callback of custom rendering for remote video |
Custom Message APIs
API | Description |
sendCustomCmdMsg | Sends a custom message to all users in a room. |
sendSEIMsg | Embeds small-volume custom data into video frames. |
Background Music APIs
API | Description |
playBGM | Starts background music (disused). |
stopBGM | Stops background music (disused). |
pauseBGM | Pauses background music (disused). |
resumeBGM | Resumes background music (disused). |
getBGMDuration | Gets the total length of the background music file, in milliseconds (disused). |
setBGMPosition | Sets the playback progress of background music (disused). |
setBGMVolume | Sets background music volume (disused). |
setBGMPlayoutVolume | Sets the local playback volume of background music (disused). |
setBGMPublishVolume | Sets the remote playback volume of background music (disused). |
startSystemAudioLoopback | Enables system audio capturing. |
stopSystemAudioLoopback | Disables system audio capturing. |
setSystemAudioLoopbackVolume | Sets system audio capturing volume. |
startPlayMusic | Starts background music. |
stopPlayMusic | Stops background music. |
pausePlayMusic | Pauses background music. |
resumePlayMusic | Resumes background music. |
getMusicDurationInMS | Gets the total length of the background music file, in milliseconds. |
seekMusicToPosInTime | Sets the playback progress of background music. |
setAllMusicVolume | Sets background music volume. This API is used to control the audio mixing volume of background music. |
setMusicPlayoutVolume | Sets the local playback volume of background music. |
setMusicPublishVolume | Sets the remote playback volume of background music. |
setVoiceReverbType | Setting voice reverb effects. |
setVoiceChangerType | Setting voice change effects. |
enableVoiceEarMonitor | Turn on the ear monitor. |
setVoiceEarMonitorVolume | Setting ear monitor volume. |
setVoiceCaptureVolume | Setting voice volume. |
setVoicePitch | Setting voice pitch. |
Audio Effect APIs
API | Description |
playAudioEffect | Plays an audio effect (disused). |
setAudioEffectVolume | Sets the volume of an audio effect (disused). |
stopAudioEffect | Stops an audio effect (disused). |
stopAllAudioEffects | Stops all audio effects (disused). |
setAllAudioEffectsVolume | Sets the volume of all audio effects (disused). |
pauseAudioEffect | Pauses an audio effect (disused). |
resumeAudioEffect | Resumes an audio effect (disused). |
Device and Network Testing APIs
API | Description |
startSpeedTest | Starts network speed testing. This may compromise the quality of video calls and should be avoided during a video call. |
stopSpeedTest | Stops network speed testing. |
startCameraDeviceTest | Starts camera test. |
stopCameraDeviceTest | Stops camera test. |
startMicDeviceTest | Starts mic testing. |
stopMicDeviceTest | Stops mic test. |
startSpeakerDeviceTest | Starts speaker testing. |
stopSpeakerDeviceTest | Stops speaker test. |
Log APIs
API | Description |
getSDKVersion | Gets the SDK version. |
setLogLevel | Sets the log output level. |
setConsoleEnabled | Enables/Disables console log printing. |
setLogCompressEnabled | Enables/Disables local log compression. |
setLogDirPath | Sets the path to save logs. |
setLogCallback | Sets the log callback. |
callExperimentalAPI | Calls the experimental API. |
Disused APIs
API | Description |
setMicVolumeOnMixing | This API has been disused since v6.9. |
TRTCCallback @ TXLiteAVSDK
Tencent Cloud TRTC Event Notification Interface.
Error and warning event callback APIs
API | Description |
onError | Error callback. This indicates that the SDK encountered an unrecoverable error. Such errors must be listened for, and UI messages should be sent to users if necessary. |
onWarning | Warning callback. This alerts you to non-serious problems such as stutter or recoverable decoding failure. |
Room event callback APIs
API | Description |
onEnterRoom | Callback for room entry |
onExitRoom | Callback for room exit |
onSwitchRole | Callback for role switching |
onConnectOtherRoom | Callback of the result of requesting a cross-room call (anchor competition) |
onDisconnectOtherRoom | Callback of the result of ending a cross-room call (anchor competition) |
onSwitchRoom | Callback for room switching |
User event callback APIs
API | Description |
onRemoteUserEnterRoom | Callback for the entry of a user |
onRemoteUserLeaveRoom | Callback for the exit of a user |
onUserVideoAvailable | Whether camera is enabled for video. |
onUserSubStreamAvailable | Callback of whether a user has started screen sharing |
onUserAudioAvailable | Callback of whether a user is sending audio data |
onFirstVideoFrame | Callback for rendering the first video frame of the local user or a remote user |
onFirstAudioFrame | Callback for playing the first audio frame of a remote user. No notifications are sent for local audio. |
onSendFirstLocalVideoFrame | Callback for sending the first local video frame. |
onSendFirstLocalAudioFrame | Callback for sending the first local audio frame. |
onUserEnter | Callback for the entry of an anchor (disused) |
onUserExit | Callback for the exit of an anchor (disused) |
Event callback APIs for statistics on network quality and technical metrics
API | Description |
onNetworkQuality | Network quality. This callback is triggered every 2 seconds to collect statistics on the quality of current upstream and downstream data transfer. |
onStatistics | Callback of statistics on technical metrics. |
Server event callback APIs
API | Description |
onConnectionLost | Callback for the disconnection of the SDK from the server |
onTryToReconnect | Callback for the SDK trying to reconnect to the server |
onConnectionRecovery | Callback for the reconnection of the SDK to the server |
onSpeedTest | Disused API: callback of server speed test results. The SDK tests the speed of multiple server addresses, and the result of each test is returned through this callback. |
onSpeedTestResult | Network speed test result. |
Hardware event callback APIs
API | Description |
onCameraDidReady | Callback for the camera being ready |
onMicDidReady | Callback for the mic being ready |
onUserVoiceVolume | Callback of volume, including the volume of each user (userId ) and the total remote volume |
onDeviceChange | Callback for the connection/disconnection of a local device |
onTestMicVolume | Volume callback for mic testing |
onTestSpeakerVolume | Volume callback for speaker testing |
onAudioDeviceCaptureVolumeChanged | Callback for volume change of the current audio capturing device |
onAudioDevicePlayoutVolumeChanged | Callback for volume change of the current audio playback device |
Custom message receiving callback APIs
API | Description |
onRecvCustomCmdMsg | Callback for receiving a custom message |
onMissCustomCmdMsg | Callback for losing a custom message |
onRecvSEIMsg | Callback for receiving an SEI message |
CDN event callback APIs
API | Description |
onStartPublishing | Callback for starting publishing to Tencent Cloud’s live streaming CDN. This callback is triggered by the startPublishing() API in TRTCCloud . |
onStopPublishing | Callback for stopping publishing to Tencent Cloud’s live streaming CDN. This callback is triggered by the stopPublishing() API in TRTCCloud . |
onStartPublishCDNStream | Callback for starting relayed push to CDNs |
onStopPublishCDNStream | Callback for stopping relayed push to CDNs |
onSetMixTranscodingConfig | Callback for setting On-Cloud MixTranscoding parameters. This callback is triggered by the setMixTranscodingConfig() API in TRTCCloud . |
System audio event callback APIs
API | Description |
onSystemAudioLoopbackError | Callback of the system audio capturing result |
Audio effect callback APIs
API | Description |
onAudioEffectFinished | Callback for the end of an audio effect (disused) |
Screen sharing event callback APIs
API | Description |
onScreenCaptureCovered | Callback for the screen sharing window being covered. You can prompt users to move the window in this callback. |
onScreenCaptureStarted | Callback for starting screen sharing |
onScreenCapturePaused | Callback for pausing screen sharing |
onScreenCaptureResumed | Callback for resuming screen sharing |
onScreenCaptureStopped | Callback for stopping screen sharing |
Screenshot event callback API
API | Description |
onSnapshotComplete | Callback for completing a screenshot |
Background music event callback APIs
API | Description |
onPlayBGMBegin | Callback for starting background music (disused) |
onPlayBGMProgress | Callback of the playback progress of background music (disused) |
onPlayBGMComplete | Callback for the end of background music (disused) |
Local media recording event callback APIs
API | Description |
onLocalRecordBegin | Local recording started |
onLocalRecording | Local media is being recording |
onLocalRecordComplete | Local recording completed |
Definitions of Key Data Types
API | Description |
TRTCParams | Room entry parameters |
TRTCVideoEncParam | Video encoding parameters |
TRTCNetworkQosParam | Network quality control parameters |
TRTCQualityInfo | Video quality |
TRTCVolumeInfo | Volume |
TRTCSpeedTestResult | Network speed testing result |
TRTCMixUser | Position of the image of each channel in On-Cloud MixTranscoding |
TRTCTranscodingConfig | On-Cloud MixTranscoding configuration |
TRTCPublishCDNParam | CDN relayed push parameters |
TRTCAudioRecordingParams | Audio recording parameters |
TRTCLocalStatistics | Local audio/video statistics |
TRTCRemoteStatistics | Remote audio/video statistics |
TRTCStatistics | Statistics |
Enumerated values
API | Description |
TRTCVideoResolution | Video resolution |
TRTCVideoResolutionMode | Video resolution mode |
TRTCVideoStreamType | Video stream type |
TRTCQuality | Video quality |
TRTCVideoFillMode | Video image fill mode |
TRTCBeautyStyle | Beauty filter (skin smoothing) algorithm |
TRTCAppScene | Application scenario |
TRTCRoleType | Role, which applies only to live streaming scenarios (TRTCAppSceneLIVE ) |
TRTCQosControlMode | QoS control mode |
TRTCVideoQosPreference | Video quality preference |
TRTCDeviceState | Device state type |
TRTCDeviceType | Device type |
TRTCWaterMarkSrcType | Watermark source type |
TRTCTranscodingConfigMode | Configuration mode for stream mixing parameters |