

Error and Warning code list

Type Definitions


SDK Error Code

Code Value Description
ERR_NULL 0 No error.
ERR_ROOM_ENTER_FAIL -3301 Failed to enter room.
ERR_ENTER_ROOM_PARAM_NULL -3316 Empty room entry parameters. Please check whether valid parameters are passed in the TRTCCloud.enterRoom(): API when it is called.
ERR_SDK_APPID_INVALID -3317 Incorrect sdkAppId value.
ERR_ROOM_ID_INVALID -3318 Incorrect roomId value.
ERR_USER_ID_INVALID -3319 Incorrect userID value.
ERR_USER_SIG_INVALID -3320 Incorrect userSig value.
ERR_ROOM_REQUEST_ENTER_ROOM_TIMEOUT -3308 Room entry request timed out. Please check your network.
ERR_SERVER_INFO_SERVICE_SUSPENDED -100013 Service unavailable. Please check whether your Tencent Cloud account has overdue payment.
ERR_ROOM_REQUEST_QUIT_ROOM_TIMEOUT -3325 Room exit request timed out.
ERR_CAMERA_START_FAIL -1301 Failed to turn camera on. This error occurs when, for example, there is a problem with the camera configuration program (driver) on Windows or macOS. Do one of the following: turn the camera off and on again, restart the camera, or update the configuration program.
ERR_CAMERA_NOT_AUTHORIZED -1314 Camera not authorized. This error usually occurs on mobile devices and may be because users denied camera permission.
ERR_CAMERA_SET_PARAM_FAIL -1315 Incorrect camera parameter settings (unsupported values or others).
ERR_CAMERA_OCCUPY -1316 Camera occupied. Try using another camera.
ERR_MIC_START_FAIL -1302 Failed to enable mic. This error occurs when, for example, there is a problem with the mic configuration program (driver) on Windows or macOS. Do one of the following: disable the mic and then enable again, restart the mic, or update the configuration program.
ERR_MIC_NOT_AUTHORIZED -1317 Mic not authorized. This error usually occurs on mobile devices and may be because users denied mic permission.
ERR_MIC_SET_PARAM_FAIL -1318 Failed to set mic parameters.
ERR_MIC_OCCUPY -1319 Mic occupied. This error occurs when, for example, the user is in a call on the mobile device, in which case TRTC will fail to enable the mic.
ERR_MIC_STOP_FAIL -1320 Failed to disable mic.
ERR_SPEAKER_START_FAIL -1321 Failed to enable speaker. This error occurs when, for example, there is a problem with the speaker configuration program (driver) on Windows or macOS. Do one of the following: disable the speaker and then enable again, restart the speaker, or update the configuration program.
ERR_SPEAKER_SET_PARAM_FAIL -1322 Failed to set speaker parameters.
ERR_SPEAKER_STOP_FAIL -1323 Failed to disable speaker.
ERR_SCREEN_CAPTURE_START_FAIL -1308 Failed to start screencapturing. If this error occurs on a mobile device, it may be because the user denied screen sharing permission; if it occurs on Windows or macOS, check whether the parameters of the screencapturing API are set as required.
ERR_SCREEN_CAPTURE_UNSURPORT -1309 Screencapturing failed. If you use Android, make sure its version is 5.0 or above; if you use iOS, make sure its version is 11.0 or above.
ERR_SERVER_CENTER_NO_PRIVILEDGE_PUSH_SUB_VIDEO -102015 Not authorized to send substream video images.
ERR_SERVER_CENTER_ANOTHER_USER_PUSH_SUB_VIDEO -102016 Another user is sending substream video images.
ERR_VIDEO_ENCODE_FAIL -1303 Failed to encode video frames. This error occurs when, for example, a user on iOS switches to another app, which may cause the system to release the hardware encoder. When the user switches back, this error may be thrown before the hardware encoder is restarted.
ERR_UNSUPPORTED_RESOLUTION -1305 Unsupported video resolution.
ERR_AUDIO_ENCODE_FAIL -1304 Failed to encode audio frames. This error occurs when, for example, the SDK could not process the custom audio data passed in.
ERR_UNSUPPORTED_SAMPLERATE -1306 Unsupported audio sample rate.
ERR_PIXEL_FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED -1327 Unsupported pixel format.
ERR_BUFFER_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED -1328 Unsupported buffer type.
ERR_PUBLISH_CDN_STREAM_REQUEST_TIME_OUT -3321 Relayed push request timed out.
ERR_CLOUD_MIX_TRANSCODING_REQUEST_TIME_OUT -3322 On-Cloud MixTranscoding request timed out.
ERR_PUBLISH_CDN_STREAM_SERVER_FAILED -3323 Exceptional response packets for relayed push.
ERR_CLOUD_MIX_TRANSCODING_SERVER_FAILED -3324 Exceptional response packets for On-Cloud MixTranscoding.
ERR_ROOM_REQUEST_START_PUBLISHING_TIMEOUT -3333 Signaling of starting to push to Tencent Cloud’s live streaming CDN timed out.
ERR_ROOM_REQUEST_START_PUBLISHING_ERROR -3334 Exceptional signaling of starting to push to Tencent Cloud’s live streaming CDN.
ERR_ROOM_REQUEST_STOP_PUBLISHING_TIMEOUT -3335 Signaling of stopping pushing to Tencent Cloud’s live streaming CDN timed out.
ERR_ROOM_REQUEST_STOP_PUBLISHING_ERROR -3336 Exceptional signaling of stopping pushing to Tencent Cloud’s live streaming CDN.
ERR_ROOM_REQUEST_CONN_ROOM_TIMEOUT -3326 Co-anchoring request timed out.
ERR_ROOM_REQUEST_DISCONN_ROOM_TIMEOUT -3327 Request of exiting co-anchoring timed out.
ERR_CONNECT_OTHER_ROOM_AS_AUDIENCE -3330 Current user is in the role of a viewer and cannot initiate or end co-anchoring. You need to switch to the anchor role (switchRole()) first.
ERR_SERVER_CENTER_CONN_ROOM_NOT_SUPPORT -102031 Cross-room co-anchoring not supported.
ERR_SERVER_CENTER_CONN_ROOM_REACH_MAX_NUM -102032 Reached the upper limit of co-anchoring calls.
ERR_SERVER_CENTER_CONN_ROOM_REACH_MAX_RETRY_TIMES -102033 Reached the upper limit of retries for cross-room co-anchoring.
ERR_SERVER_CENTER_CONN_ROOM_REQ_TIMEOUT -102034 Cross-room co-anchoring request timed out.
ERR_SERVER_CENTER_CONN_ROOM_REQ -102035 Incorrect format of cross-room co-anchoring request.
ERR_SERVER_CENTER_CONN_ROOM_NO_SIG -102036 No signature for cross-room co-anchoring.
ERR_SERVER_CENTER_CONN_ROOM_DECRYPT_SIG -102037 Failed to decrypt signature for cross-room co-anchoring.
ERR_SERVER_CENTER_CONN_ROOM_NO_KEY -102038 Decryption key for cross-room co-anchoring signature not found.
ERR_SERVER_CENTER_CONN_ROOM_PARSE_SIG -102039 An error occurred when parsing signature for cross-room co-anchoring.
ERR_SERVER_CENTER_CONN_ROOM_INVALID_SIG_TIME -102040 Incorrect timestamp of cross-room co-anchoring signature.
ERR_SERVER_CENTER_CONN_ROOM_SIG_GROUPID -102041 Incorrect cross-room co-anchoring signature.
ERR_SERVER_CENTER_CONN_ROOM_NOT_CONNED -102042 No co-anchoring in this room.
ERR_SERVER_CENTER_CONN_ROOM_USER_NOT_CONNED -102043 User did not initiate co-anchoring.
ERR_SERVER_CENTER_CONN_ROOM_FAILED -102044 Failed to start cross-room co-anchoring.
ERR_SERVER_CENTER_CONN_ROOM_CANCEL_FAILED -102045 Failed to cancel cross-room co-anchoring.
ERR_SERVER_CENTER_CONN_ROOM_CONNED_ROOM_NOT_EXIST -102046 Room being connected for co-anchoring does not exist.
ERR_SERVER_CENTER_CONN_ROOM_CONNED_REACH_MAX_ROOM -102047 Reached the upper limit of co-anchoring rooms.
ERR_SERVER_CENTER_CONN_ROOM_CONNED_USER_NOT_EXIST -102048 User being called for co-anchoring does not exist.
ERR_SERVER_CENTER_CONN_ROOM_CONNED_USER_DELETED -102049 User being called for co-anchoring was deleted.
ERR_SERVER_CENTER_CONN_ROOM_CONNED_USER_FULL -102050 All resources of the user being connected for co-anchoring are occupied.
ERR_SERVER_CENTER_CONN_ROOM_INVALID_SEQ -102051 Sequence number for co-anchoring not in sequential order.


SDK Warning Code

Code Value Description
WARNING_HW_ENCODER_START_FAIL 1103 Failed to start hardware encoder. SDK automatically switches to software encoder.
WARNING_VIDEO_ENCODER_SW_TO_HW 1107 Insufficient CPU for software encoder. SDK automatically switches to hardware encoder.
WARNING_INSUFFICIENT_CAPTURE_FPS 1108 Insufficient frame rate of video captured by camera. This error may occur on Android devices with built-in beauty filter algorithms.
WARNING_SW_ENCODER_START_FAIL 1109 Failed to start software encoder.
WARNING_REDUCE_CAPTURE_RESOLUTION 1110 Camera resolution reduced for balance between frame rate and performance.
WARNING_VIDEO_FRAME_DECODE_FAIL 2101 Failed to decode current video frame.
WARNING_AUDIO_FRAME_DECODE_FAIL 2102 Failed to decode current audio frame.
WARNING_VIDEO_PLAY_LAG 2105 Video playback lag.
WARNING_HW_DECODER_START_FAIL 2106 Failed to start hardware decoder. Software decoder is used instead.
WARNING_VIDEO_DECODER_HW_TO_SW 2108 Hardware decoder failed to decode first I-frame of current stream. SDK automatically switches to software decoder.
WARNING_SW_DECODER_START_FAIL 2109 Failed to start software decoder.
WARNING_VIDEO_RENDER_FAIL 2110 Failed to render video.
WARNING_AUDIO_RECORDING_WRITE_FAIL 7001 Failed to write recorded audio to file.
WARNING_ROOM_DISCONNECT 5101 Network disconnected.
WARNING_IGNORE_UPSTREAM_FOR_AUDIENCE 6001 Current user is in the role of a viewer. Request to send audio/video data ignored.