

Push parameters required to be set when publishing audio/video streams to non-Tencent Cloud CDN


new TRTCPublishCDNParam(appId, bizId, url, streamId)

TRTC's backend service supports publishing audio/video streams to third-party live CDN service providers through the standard RTMP protocol. If you use the Tencent Cloud CSS CDN service, you don't need to care about this parameter; instead, just use the startPublishing API.

Name Type Description
appId Number required

appId of Tencent Cloud CSS. Please click Application Management > Application Information in the TRTC console and get the appId in Relayed Live Streaming Info.

bizId Number required

bizId of Tencent Cloud CSS. Please click Application Management > Application Information in the TRTC console and get the bizId in Relayed Live Streaming Info.

url String required

specify the push address (in RTMP format) of this audio/video stream at the third-party live streaming service provider

  • Notice: the push URL rules vary greatly by service provider. Please enter a valid push URL according to the requirements of the target service provider. TRTC's backend server will push audio/video streams in the standard format to the third-party service provider according to the URL you enter.
  • Notice: the push URL must be in RTMP format and meet the specifications of your target live streaming service provider; otherwise, the target service provider will reject the push requests from TRTC's backend service.
streamId String required

specify the stream ID. Default value is null.