Tutorial: ERROR_CODE_en


SDK Error Codes

Error Code Description
2000 No SDKAppID.
2001 No accountType.
2002 No userID.
2003 No userSig.
2022 No tinyID.
2023 No a2key.
2024 The user has not logged in.
2025 Repeated login.
2040 No COS upload plugin is detected.
2100 Failed to send the message.
2105 A message instance is required.
2106 Message.conversationType can only be "C2C" or "GROUP".
2108 An empty file cannot be sent.
2109 An error occurred while running the callback function. Please check the code on the access side.
2110 Failed to recall the message.
2111 Failed to delete the message.
2251 Please select an image first.
2252 Only JPG, PNG, JPEG, and GIF images can be uploaded.
2253 Unable to send the image as it exceeds 20 MB.
2300 Failed to upload the audio.
2301 Unable to send the audio as it exceeds 20 MB.
2350 Failed to upload the video.
2351 Unable to send the video as it exceeds 20 MB.
2352 Only MP4 videos can be uploaded.
2400 File upload failed.
2401 Please select a file first.
2402 Unable to send the file as it exceeds 100 MB.
2403 The required parameter file URL is missing.
2450 Non-combined message.
2451 Invalid messageKey of the combined message.
2452 Failed to download the combined message.
2453 The selected message type (such as group notification) does not support forwarding.
2500 The corresponding conversation is not found. Please check the input parameters.
2501 The corresponding user or group owner is not found. Please check the input parameters.
2502 Unrecorded conversation type.
2600 Invalid group type. Please check the input parameters.
2601 Unable to join a work group.
2620 The group owner of an AVChatRoom group cannot be changed.
2621 You cannot change the group owner to yourself.
2622 A work group cannot be deleted.
2623 The user is not in the group.
2660 Failed to join the group. Please check the input parameters and try again.
2661 AVChatRoom groups do not support inviting group members.
2662 Non-AVChatRoom groups do not allow anonymous joining. Please log in before you join the group.
2680 You are not allowed to remove others from an AVChatRoom group.
2681 You are not the group owner. Only the group owner has the permission to perform the operation.
2682 You cannot set the group member role in a Work or AVChatRoom group.
2683 Invalid group member role. Please check the input parameters.
2684 You cannot set the group member role for yourself. Please check the input parameters.
2685 You cannot mute yourself. Please check the input parameters.
2700 Invalid parameter passed in to the deleteFriend API.
2721 Invalid parameter passed in to the updateMyProfile API.
2722 updateMyProfile does not contain standard or custom profile fields.
2740 Invalid parameter passed in to the addToBlacklist API.
2741 Invalid parameter passed in to the removeFromBlacklist API.
2742 You cannot blocklist yourself.
2800 Network error.
2801 Request timeout.
2805 Network disconnected.
2901 Unexpected notification conditions.
2902 _syncOffset missing.
2903 Undefined error.
2904 Failed to get the long polling ID.
2905 Invalid operation, such as calling an undefined or unimplemented method.
2997 Failed to find the protocol.
2998 Failed to find the module.
2999 The API call timing is inappropriate. Call the API until the SDK is ready (listening for the TIM.EVENT.SDK_READY event).
3000 SDK not ready due to user is currently logging in
3001 SDK not ready due to user login failure.
3002 SDK not ready due to user being logged out from multiple devices.
3003 SDK not ready due to user being logged out from multiple instances.
3004 SDK not ready due to user being logged out because the userSig has expired.
3005 SDK not ready due to user has logged out.
3006 SDK not ready due to the user being kicked out by the REST API - kick interface.
3021 Invalid topicID
3122 The current edition does not support the use of this interface. Please upgrade to the Premium Edition.
3123 The text contains profanity.
3153 The parameter "options" is empty for the searchCloudMessages interface.
8010 The signaling is invalid or has already been processed.
8011 The signaling request does not have permission, such as canceling an invitation that was not initiated by oneself.
8012 The signaling invitation already exists.
8020 The message being canceled does not exist or has already been successfully sent. The cancellation has failed.
8021 The message failed to send because it has been canceled.
27002 The "cursor" parameter provided for the searchCloudMessages interface is invalid.
27003 The "cursor" parameter provided for the searchCloudMessages interface has expired.