Tutorial: Quick Start Call

Quick Start Call


  1. You have signed up for a Tencent Cloud account.
  2. Create an application. Select New and enter an application name such as TestTRTC. If you have already created an application, select Existing.
  3. Deploy userSig calculating service


  1. Execute the following command in the terminal to download and install the trtc-js-sdk.
$ npm install trtc-js-sdk --save


$ yarn add trtc-js-sdk
  1. Import SDK in your project。
import TRTC from 'trtc-js-sdk';

Integrate with <script>

Also You can use SDK like this:

<script src="trtc.js"></script>


SDK Overview

Below are the APIs used in a basic audio/video call.

Creating Client Object

You can use TRTC.createClient() to create a Client object. The parameters are as follows:

  • mode: TRTC mode, which should be set to rtc
  • sdkAppId: SDKAppID assigned by Tencent Cloud
  • userId: user ID
  • userSig: user signature
const client = TRTC.createClient({ mode: 'rtc', sdkAppId, userId, userSig });

Entering Room

You can call client.join() to enter a TRTC room. Parameters:

  • roomId: room ID
try {
  await client.join({ roomId: 8888 });
  console.log('join room success');
} catch (error) {
  console.error('join room failed ' + error);

Publishing Local Stream and Subscribing to Remote Stream

Creating local stream

You can call TRTC.createStream() to create a local stream. In the example below, the local stream is captured by the camera and mic. The parameters are as follows:

  • userId: user ID
  • audio: whether to enable audio
  • video: whether to enable video
const localStream = TRTC.createStream({ userId, audio: true, video: true });

Initializing local stream

You can then call initialize() to initialize the local stream.

try {
  await localStream.initialize();
  console.log('init localStream success');
} catch (error) {
  console.error('init localStream failed: ' + error);

Publishing local stream

After initializing the local stream, you can call publish() to publish it.

try {
  await client.publish(localStream);
  console.log('publish localStream success');
} catch (error) {
  console.error('publish localStream failed: ' + error);

Subscribing to remote stream

A remote stream is obtained via the client.on('stream-added') event callback, which notifies you of the entry of remote users. To receive the callback, you need to register it before calling join() to enter a room. After receiving the callback, call subscribe() to subscribe to the remote stream.

client.on('stream-added', event => {
  const remoteStream = event.stream;
  console.log('New remote stream:' + remoteStream.getId());
  // Subscribe to the remote stream
client.on('stream-subscribed', event => {
  const remoteStream = event.stream;
  console.log('Subscribed to remote stream successfully:' + remoteStream.getId());
  // Play the remote stream
  remoteStream.play('remote_stream-' + remoteStream.getId());

Playing stream

In the callback for the initialization of the local stream or the subscription of a remote stream, call play() to play the stream on a webpage. The play method allows a parameter that is a div element. The SDK will create an audio/video tag in the div element and play the stream on it.

  • Play the local stream after successful initialization
try {
  await localStream.initialize();
  console.log('init local stream success');
  // play local stream,'local_stream' is a dom ID
} catch (error) {
  console.error('init local stream failed ' + error);
  • Play a remote stream after successful subscription
client.on('stream-subscribed', event => {
  const remoteStream = event.stream;
  console.log('Subscribed to remote stream successfully:' + remoteStream.getId());
  // Play the remote stream
  remoteStream.play('remote_stream-' + remoteStream.getId());

Leaving Room

You can call leave() to leave a room, which will end the audio/video call.

await client.leave();
// leave room success
// before calling client.destroy() to end the client life cycle, you can call client.join again to start a new call.

Complete code


<div class="container">
  <input type="number" id="roomId" name="roomId" placeholder="roomId" required>
  <input type="text" id="userId" name="userId" placeholder="userId" required>
  <input type="text" id="userSig" name="userSig" placeholder="userSig" required>
  <button type="button" id="startCall">start call</button>
  <button type="button" id="finishCall">finish call</button>
<div id="localStreamContainer"></div>
<div id="remoteStreamContainer"></div>


let sdkAppId = 1200000000; // replace you app's sdkAppId
let roomId ;
let userId ;
let userSig ;
let client, localStream;
document.getElementById("startCall").onclick = async function () {
  roomId = parseInt(document.querySelector('#roomId').value);
  userId = document.querySelector('#userId').value;
  userSig = document.querySelector('#userSig').value;
  client = TRTC.createClient({ mode: 'rtc', sdkAppId, userId, userSig });
  client.on('stream-added', event => {
    const remoteStream = event.stream;
    console.log('remote stream add streamId: ' + remoteStream.getId());
  client.on('stream-subscribed', event => {
    const remoteStream = event.stream;
  try {
    await client.join({ roomId });
    localStream = TRTC.createStream({ userId, audio: true, video: true });
    await localStream.initialize();
    await client.publish(localStream);
  } catch (error) {
document.getElementById("finishCall").onclick = async function () {
  await client.leave();

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