Basic concepts of IM SDK:

Term Description
Message Message indicates the content to be sent and carries multiple attributes which specify whether you are the sender, the sender account, the message generation time, and so on.
Conversation Two types of Conversation are available:
  • Client to Client (C2C): a one-to-one chat, involving only 2 participants.
  • GROUP: a group chat, involving more than 2 participants.
  • Profile Profile describes the basic information of a user, including the nickname, gender, personal signature, and profile photo address.
    Friend Friend describes the basic information of a friend, including the remarks and friend list.
    FriendApplication FriendApplication describes the basic information of a friend request, including the source and remarks.
    FriendGroup FriendGroup describes the basic information of a friend list, including the friend list name and members.
    Group Group indicates a communication system for group chatting, including Work, Public, Meeting, and AVChatRoom.
    GroupMember (group member) GroupMember indicates the basic information of each group member, such as the ID, nickname, role, and the time of joining the group.
    Group notification A group notification is generated when an event such as group member addition or deletion occurs. The access side can configure whether to display group notifications to group members.
    For more information about group notification types, see Message.GroupTipPayload.
    Group system message For example, when a user requests to join a group, the group admin receives a system message. After the admin accepts or rejects the request, the IM SDK returns the result to the access side, which then displays the result to the user.
    For more information about group system message types, see Message.GroupSystemNoticePayload.
    Message display on screen The sent messages, including text segments and images, are displayed on the computer or phone screen.

    Supported platforms:

    • IM SDK supports Internet Explorer 9+, Chrome, WeChat, Mobile QQ, QQ Browser, Firefox, Opera, and Safari.

    SDK integration (web project)

    Integration Method Example
    Integration via npm // IM Web SDK
    npm install tim-js-sdk --save
    // Upload plugin required to send messages such as image and file messages
    npm install tim-upload-plugin --save
    Integrating via script Import the SDK to your project by using the script tag and initialize the SDK.
    Download link: IM Web SDK

    SDK integration (WeChat Mini Program project)

    Integration Method Example
    Integration via npm // IM Mini Program SDK
    npm install tim-wx-sdk --save
    // Upload plugin required to send messages such as image and file messages
    npm install tim-upload-plugin --save
    import TIM from 'tim-js-sdk';
    // import TIM from 'tim-wx-sdk'; // For WeChat Mini Program, uncomment this line and comment out the following: import TIM from 'tim-js-sdk';
    import TIMUploadPlugin from 'tim-upload-plugin'; // Before using the API, upgrade your IM SDK to v2.9.2 or later.
    // Create an SDK instance. The TIM.create() method returns the same instance for the same SDKAppID.
    let options = {
      SDKAppID: 0 // Replace 0 with the SDKAppID of your IM app when connecting.
    let tim = TIM.create(options); // The SDK instance is usually represented by tim.
    // Set the SDK log output level. For details on each level, see **setLogLevel API description**.
    tim.setLogLevel(0); // Common level. You are advised to use this level during access as it covers more logs.
    // tim.setLogLevel(1); // Release level, at which the SDK outputs important information. You are advised to use this log level in a production environment.
    // Register the Tencent Cloud IM upload plugin. Before sending messages, such as image, audio, video, and file messages, the IM SDK needs to use the upload plugin to upload files to Tencent COS.
    tim.registerPlugin({'tim-upload-plugin': TIMUploadPlugin});
    // Listened-for events, for example:
    tim.on(TIM.EVENT.SDK_READY, function(event) {
      // A notification is received, indicating that the offline message and conversation lists are synchronized successfully. The access side can call APIs that require authentication, such as sendMessage.
    tim.on(TIM.EVENT.MESSAGE_RECEIVED, function(event) {
      // A newly pushed one-to-one message, group message, group tip, or group system notification is received. You can traverse to obtain the message list and render it to the UI.
      // - An array that stores Message objects - [Message]
    tim.on(TIM.EVENT.MESSAGE_MODIFIED, function(event)) {
      // This event is triggered when the SDK receives a notification for message modifications by a third-party callback. When this event occurs, the message sender can traverse to obtain the message list and update the content of the message with the same ID on the UI. (Supported from v2.12.1)
      // - An array that stores the Message objects modified by a third-party callback - [Message]
    tim.on(TIM.EVENT.MESSAGE_REVOKED, function(event) {
      // A message recall notification is received. Before using this event, upgrade your SDK to v2.4.0 or later.
      // - An array that stores Message objects - [Message] - The isRevoked value of each Message object is true.
    tim.on(TIM.EVENT.MESSAGE_READ_BY_PEER, function(event) {
      // The SDK receives a notification (read receipt) indicating that the peer end has read the message. Before using this event, you need to upgrade your SDK to V2.7.0 or later. This event is supported only for one-to-one conversations.
      // - - An array that stores the Message objects - [Message] - The isPeerRead value of each Message object is true.
    tim.on(TIM.EVENT.CONVERSATION_LIST_UPDATED, function(event) {
      // A conversation list update notification is received. You can traverse to obtain the conversation list and render it to the UI.
      // - An array that stores the Conversation objects - [Conversation]
    tim.on(TIM.EVENT.GROUP_LIST_UPDATED, function(event) {
      // A group list update notification is received. You can traverse to obtain the group list and render it to the UI.
      // - An array that stores the Group objects - [Group]
    tim.on(TIM.EVENT.PROFILE_UPDATED, function(event) {
      // A notification is received, indicating that your own profile or your friend's profile is updated.
      // - An array that stores the Profile objects - [Profile]
    tim.on(TIM.EVENT.BLACKLIST_UPDATED, function(event) {
      // A blocklist update notification is received.
      // - An array that stores userIDs - [userID]
    tim.on(TIM.EVENT.ERROR, function(event) {
      // An SDK error notification is received. The error code and error message can be obtained from this notification.
      // - TIM.EVENT.ERROR
      // - Error code
      // - Error message
    tim.on(TIM.EVENT.SDK_NOT_READY, function(event) {
      // An SDK not ready notification is received. At this time, the SDK cannot function normally.
    tim.on(TIM.EVENT.KICKED_OUT, function(event) {
      // A kicked offline notification is received.
      // - Reason for being kicked offline, such as:
      //    - TIM.TYPES.KICKED_OUT_MULT_ACCOUNT: kicked offline due to multi-instance login.
      //    - TIM.TYPES.KICKED_OUT_MULT_DEVICE: kicked offline due to multi-device login.
      //    - TIM.TYPES.KICKED_OUT_USERSIG_EXPIRED: kicked offline due to UserSig expiration (supported from v2.4.0).
    tim.on(TIM.EVENT.NET_STATE_CHANGE, function(event) {
      // The network status changes (supported from v2.5.0).
      // indicates the current network status. The enumerated values are described as follows:
      //   - TIM.TYPES.NET_STATE_CONNECTED: already connected to the network
      //   - TIM.TYPES.NET_STATE_CONNECTING: connecting. This often occurs when the SDK must reconnect due to network jitter. The message "The current network is unstable" or "Connecting..." can be displayed at the access side based on this status.
      //   - TIM.TYPES.NET_STATE_DISCONNECTED: disconnected. The message "The current network is unavailable" can be displayed at the access side based on this status. The SDK will continue to try to reconnect. If the user network recovers, the SDK will automatically synchronize messages.
    tim.on(TIM.EVENT.FRIEND_LIST_UPDATED, function(event) {
      // A friend list update notification is received. (Supported from v2.13.0)
      // - An array that stores the Friend objects - [Friend]
      // A friend request list update notification is received. (Supported from v2.13.0)
      // friendApplicationList - Friend request list - [FriendApplication]
      // unreadCount - Unread friend request count
      // const { friendApplicationList, unreadCount } =;
      // Friend requests received by me (friend requests that are sent to you by others)
      // const applicationSentToMe = friendApplicationList.filter((friendApplication) => friendApplication.type === TIM.TYPES.SNS_APPLICATION_SENT_TO_ME);
      // Friend requests sent by me (friend requests that you send to others)
      // const applicationSentByMe = friendApplicationList.filter((friendApplication) => friendApplication.type === TIM.TYPES.SNS_APPLICATION_SENT_BY_ME);
    tim.on(TIM.EVENT.FRIEND_GROUP_LIST_UPDATED, function(event) {
      // Received a notification on the update of the list of friend lists. (Supported from v2.13.0)
      // - An array that stores the FriendGroup objects - [FriendGroup]
    // Start to log in to the SDK.
    tim.login({userID: 'your userID', userSig: 'your userSig'});
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Application configuration

    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    SDKAppID Number

    SDKAppID of your IM application

    oversea Boolean <optional>

    If your application needs to be used outside the Chinese mainland, set this property to true. Then the SDK will use a domain name outside the Chinese mainland to avoid interference.


    login(options) → {Promise}

    Log in to the IM SDK using userID and userSig. The login process contains several steps that are executed asynchronously, and the returned Promise object is used to process login success or failure.

    Note 1: After successful login, to call APIs that require authentication, such as sendMessage, you must wait until the SDK enters the ready state (you can obtain the status of the SDK by listening to the TIM.EVENT.SDK_READY event).
    Note 2: By default, multi-instance login is not supported. If you use an account that has been logged in on another page to log in on the current page, the account may be forcibly logged out on the other page, which will trigger the TIM.EVENT.KICKED_OUT event. You can proceed accordingly after detecting the event through listening.
    To support multi-instance login (allowing the use of the same account to log in concurrently on multiple pages), log in to the IM console, locate the corresponding SDKAppID, and go to App Configuration > Feature Configuration > Online Web Instances to configure the number of instances. The configuration will take effect within 50 minutes.

    let promise = tim.login({userID: 'your userID', userSig: 'your userSig'});
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // Login successful
      if ( === true) {
        // Indicates that the account has logged in and that the current login will be a repeated login. This feature is supported from v2.5.1.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('login error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Login configuration

    Name Type Description
    userID String

    User ID

    userSig String

    The password with which the user logs in to IM. It is the ciphertext generated by encrypting information such as userID.
    For the detailed generation method, see Generating UserSig.


    logout() → {Promise}

    This API is used to log out of the IM console. It is usually called when you switch between accounts. This API clears the login status of the current account and all the data in the memory.

    1. When calling this API, the instance publishes the SDK_NOT_READY event. In this case, the instance is automatically logged out and cannot receive or send messages.
    2. Assume that the value of the Online Web Instances configured in the IM console is greater than 1, and the same account has been used to log in to instances a1 and a2 (including a Mini Program instance). After a1.logout() is executed, a1 is automatically logged out and cannot receive or send messages, whereas a2 is not affected.
    3. Assume that the Online Web Instances is set to 2, and your account has been used to log in to instances a1 and a2. When you use this account to log in to instance a3, either a1 or a2 will be forcibly logged out. In most cases, the instance that first entered the login state is forcibly logged out. This is called kicked offline due to multi-instance login. If a1 is forcibly logged out, a logout process is executed within a1 and the KICKED_OUT event is triggered. The access side can listen for this event and redirect it to the login page when the event is triggered. At this time, a1 is forcibly logged out, whereas instances a2 and a3 can continue to run properly.
    let promise = tim.logout();
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // Logout successful
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('logout error:', imError);

    destroy() → {Promise}

    Terminate the SDK instance. The SDK will log out, disconnect the WebSocket persistent connection, and then release resources.


    on(eventName, handler, contextopt)

    Listen for events.

    Note: Please call the API to listen for events before calling the login API to avoid missing events distributed by the SDK.

    let onMessageReceived = function(event) {
      // A newly pushed one-to-one message, group message, group tip, or group system notification is received. You can traverse to obtain the message list and render it to the UI.
      // - An array that stores Message objects - [Message]
    tim.on(TIM.EVENT.MESSAGE_RECEIVED, onMessageReceived);
    Name Type Attributes Description
    eventName String

    Event name. All event names are stored in the TIM.EVENT variable. To view all the events, you can use console.log(TIM.EVENT). Event list

    handler function

    Event processing method. When an event is triggered, this handler is called to process the event.

    context * <optional>

    Context in which the handler is expected to execute.

    off(eventName, handler, contextopt, onceopt)

    Cancel event listening.

    let onMessageReceived = function(event) {
      // A newly pushed one-to-one message, group message, group tip, or group system notification is received. You can traverse to obtain the message list and render it to the UI.
      // - An array that stores Message objects - [Message]
    };, onMessageReceived);
    Name Type Attributes Description
    eventName String

    Event name. All event names are stored in the TIM.EVENT variable. To view all the events, you can use console.log(TIM.EVENT). Event list

    handler function

    Event processing method. When an event is triggered, this handler is called to process the event.

    context * <optional>

    Context in which the handler is expected to execute.

    once Boolean <optional>

    Whether to unbind only once


    Register a plugin.
    Before sending messages, such as image, audio, video, and file messages, the IM SDK needs to use the upload plugin to upload files to Tencent COS.

    // Before using tim-js-sdk or tim-wx-sdk, please upgrade your SDK to v2.9.2 or later.
    // To use tim-upload-plugin in Mini Programs, you need to configure the valid domain name for uploadFile and downloadFile on the Mini Program backend.
    tim.registerPlugin({'tim-upload-plugin': TIMUploadPlugin});
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Plugin configuration

    Name Type Description
    value Class

    Plugin class


    Set the log level. Logs below this level will not be printed.

    Name Type Description
    level Number

    Log level

    • 0: common level. You are advised to use this level during connection as it covers more logs.
    • 1: release level, at which the SDK outputs important information. We recommend that you use this log level in a production environment.
    • 2: alarm level. The SDK prints only alarm and error logs.
    • 3: error level. The SDK prints only error logs.
    • 4: no log level. The SDK does not print any logs.

    createTextMessage(options) → {Message}

    Create a text message. This API returns a message instance. If you need to send a text message, call the sendMessage API to send this message instance.

    // Send a text message. The text message sending process in web apps is the same as that in Mini Programs.
    // 1. Create a message instance. The returned instance can be displayed on the screen.
    let message = tim.createTextMessage({
      to: 'user1',
      conversationType: TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C,
      // Message priority, applicable to group chats (supported from v2.4.2). If messages in a group exceed the frequency limit, the backend delivers high-priority messages first. For more information, see
      payload: {
        text: 'Hello world!'
      // Message custom data (saved in the cloud, will be sent to the peer end, and can still be pulled after the app is uninstalled and reinstalled; supported from v2.10.2)
      // cloudCustomData: 'your cloud custom data'
    // 2. Send the message.
    let promise = tim.sendMessage(message);
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      // The message is sent successfully.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      // The message fails to be sent.
      console.warn('sendMessage error:', imError);
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    to String

    userID or groupID of the message recipient

    conversationType String

    Conversation type. Valid values: TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C (C2C conversation), TIM.TYPES.CONV_GROUP (group conversation)

    priority String <optional>

    Message priority

    payload Object

    Message content container

    Name Type Description
    text String

    Text content of the message


    Message instance


    createTextAtMessage(options) → {Message}

    Create a text message with the @ notification feature. This API returns a message instance. If you need to send a text message, call the sendMessage API to send this message instance.

    Note 1: Before using this API, upgrade your SDK to v2.9.0 or later.
    Note 2: This API applies only to group chats.

    // Send a text message. The text message sending process in web apps is the same as that in Mini Programs.
    // 1. Create a message instance. The returned instance can be displayed on the screen.
    let message = tim.createTextAtMessage({
      to: 'group1',
      conversationType: TIM.TYPES.CONV_GROUP,
      // Message priority, applicable to group chats (supported from v2.4.2). If messages in a group exceed the frequency limit, the backend delivers high-priority messages first. For more information, see
      payload: {
        text: '@denny @lucy @all Dinner tonight. Please reply 1 if you receive this message',
        atUserList: ['denny', 'lucy', TIM.TYPES.MSG_AT_ALL] // 'denny' and 'lucy' are userIDs, not nicknames
      // Message custom data (saved in the cloud, will be sent to the peer end, and can still be pulled after the app is uninstalled and reinstalled; supported from v2.10.2)
      // cloudCustomData: 'your cloud custom data'
    // 2. Send the message.
    let promise = tim.sendMessage(message);
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      // The message is sent successfully.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      // The message fails to be sent.
      console.warn('sendMessage error:', imError);
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    to String

    groupID of the message recipient

    conversationType String

    Conversation type. The value must be TIM.TYPES.CONV_GROUP.

    priority String <optional>

    Message priority

    payload Object

    Message content container

    Name Type Description
    text String

    Text content of the message

    atUserList String

    List of users that need to be mentioned (@). If you need to @all, pass in TIM.TYPES.MSG_AT_ALL. For example, if you want to mention users denny and lucy as well as all people for a text message, atUserList must pass in ['denny', 'lucy', TIM.TYPES.MSG_AT_ALL].


    Message instance


    createImageMessage(options) → {Message}

    Create an image message. This API returns a message instance. If you need to send an image message, call the sendMessage API to send this message instance.

    Note 1: File objects are supported from v2.3.1. If you need to use file objects, upgrade your SDK to v2.3.1 or later.
    Note 2: Sending file messages such as image messages via uni-app is supported from v2.11.2. If you need to use the feature, upgrade your SDK to v2.11.2 or later and upgrade tim-upload-plugin to v1.0.2 or later.

    // Example 1 for sending an image message in a web app - Passing in a DOM node
    // 1. Create a message instance. The returned instance can be displayed on the screen.
    let message = tim.createImageMessage({
      to: 'user1',
      conversationType: TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C,
      // Message priority, applicable to group chats (supported from v2.4.2). If messages in a group exceed the frequency limit, the backend delivers high-priority messages first. For more information, see
      payload: {
        file: document.getElementById('imagePicker'),
      // Message custom data (saved in the cloud, will be sent to the peer end, and can still be pulled after the app is uninstalled and reinstalled; supported from v2.10.2)
      // cloudCustomData: 'your cloud custom data'
      onProgress: function(event) { console.log('file uploading:', event) }
    // 2. Send the message.
    let promise = tim.sendMessage(message);
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      // The message is sent successfully.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      // The message fails to be sent.
      console.warn('sendMessage error:', imError);
    // Example 2 for sending an image message in a web app - Passing in a file object
    // Add a message input box with the ID set to "testPasteInput", for example, <input type="text" id="testPasteInput" placeholder="Take a screenshot and paste it in the input box" size="30" />
    document.getElementById('testPasteInput').addEventListener('paste', function(e) {
      let clipboardData = e.clipboardData;
      let file;
      let fileCopy;
      if (clipboardData && clipboardData.files && clipboardData.files.length > 0) {
        file = clipboardData.files[0];
        // After the image message is successfully sent, the content pointed by "file" may be cleared by the browser. If you have extra rendering requirements, copy the data in advance.
        fileCopy = file.slice();
      if (typeof file === 'undefined') {
        console.warn('file is undefined. Check compatibility of the code or browser.');
      // 1. Create a message instance. The returned instance can be displayed on the screen.
      let message = tim.createImageMessage({
        to: 'user1',
        conversationType: TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C,
        payload: {
          file: file
        onProgress: function(event) { console.log('file uploading:', event) }
      // 2. Send the message.
      let promise = tim.sendMessage(message);
      promise.then(function(imResponse) {
        // The message is sent successfully.
      }).catch(function(imError) {
        // The message fails to be sent.
        console.warn('sendMessage error:', imError);
    // Send an image message in a Mini Program.
    // 1. Select an image.
      sourceType: ['album'], // Select an image from the album.
      count: 1, // You can only select one image. The SDK does not support sending multiple images at a time.
      success: function (res) {
        // 2. Create a message instance. The returned instance can be displayed on the screen.
        let message = tim.createImageMessage({
          to: 'user1',
          conversationType: TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C,
          payload: { file: res },
          onProgress: function(event) { console.log('file uploading:', event) }
        // 3. Send the image.
        let promise = tim.sendMessage(message);
        promise.then(function(imResponse) {
          // The message is sent successfully.
        }).catch(function(imError) {
          // The message fails to be sent.
          console.warn('sendMessage error:', imError);
    // Send an image message via uni-app. Before using this API, upgrade your SDK to v2.11.2 or later and upgrade tim-upload-plugin to v1.0.2 or later.
    // 1. Select an image.
      count: 1,
      sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], // You can specify whether to use the original or compressed image. Both are included by default.
      sourceType: ['album'], // Select an image from the album.
      success: function(res) {
        let message = tim.createImageMessage({
          to: 'user1',
          conversationType: TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C,
          payload: { file: res },
          onProgress: function(event) { console.log('file uploading:', event) }
        // 2. Send the message.
        let promise = tim.sendMessage(message);
        promise.then(function(imResponse) {
          // The message is sent successfully.
        }).catch(function(imError) {
          // The message fails to be sent.
          console.warn('sendMessage error:', imError);
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    to String

    userID or groupID of the message recipient

    conversationType String

    Conversation type. Valid values: TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C (C2C conversation) and TIM.TYPES.CONV_GROUP (group conversation)

    priority String <optional>

    Message priority

    payload Object

    Message content

    Name Type Description
    file HTMLInputElement | File | Object

    It is used to select a DOM node or file object of the video file in a web app, or the success callback parameter of the wx.chooseImage API (WeChat Mini Program) or the success callback parameter of the uni.chooseImage API. The SDK reads the data contained in this parameter and uploads the image.

    onProgress function

    Callback function used to query the upload progress


    Message instance


    createAudioMessage(options) → {Message}

    Create an audio message. This API returns a message instance. If you need to send an audio message, call the sendMessage API. Currently, createAudioMessage is applicable only to WeChat Mini Programs.

    //Example: Record an audio message by using the official WeChat RecorderManager. For more information, see
    // 1. Get the globally unique RecorderManager.
    const recorderManager = wx.getRecorderManager();
    // Recording parameters
    const recordOptions = {
      duration: 60000, // Length of the audio message, in ms. Max. value: 600000 ms (10 minutes).
      sampleRate: 44100, // Sample rate
      numberOfChannels: 1, // Number of recording channels
      encodeBitRate: 192000, // Encoding bitrate
      format: 'aac' // Format of the audio message. This audio format is compatible with all IM platforms (Android, iOS, WeChat Mini Programs, and web apps).
    // 2.1 Listen for recording errors.
    recorderManager.onError(function(errMsg) {
      console.warn('recorder error:', errMsg);
    // 2.2 Listen for recording end event. After recording ends, call createAudioMessage to create an audio message instance.
    recorderManager.onStop(function(res) {
      console.log('recorder stop', res);
      // 4. Create a message instance. The returned instance can be displayed on the screen.
      const message = tim.createAudioMessage({
        to: 'user1',
        conversationType: TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C,
        // Message priority, applicable to group chats (supported from v2.4.2). If messages in a group exceed the frequency limit, the backend delivers high-priority messages first. For more information, see
        // priority: TIM.TYPES.MSG_PRIORITY_NORMAL,
        payload: {
          file: res
        // Message custom data (saved in the cloud, will be sent to the peer end, and can still be pulled after the app is uninstalled and reinstalled; supported from v2.10.2)
        // cloudCustomData: 'your cloud custom data'
      // 5. Send the message.
      let promise = tim.sendMessage(message);
      promise.then(function(imResponse) {
        // The message is sent successfully.
      }).catch(function(imError) {
        // The message fails to be sent.
        console.warn('sendMessage error:', imError);
    3. Start recording.
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    to String

    userID or groupID of the message recipient

    conversationType String

    Conversation type. Valid values: TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C (C2C conversation), TIM.TYPES.CONV_GROUP (group conversation)

    priority String <optional>

    Message priority

    payload Object

    Message content

    Name Type Description
    file Object

    File information obtained after recording


    Message instance


    createVideoMessage(options) → {Message}

    Create a video message. This API returns a message instance. If you need to send a video message, call the sendMessage API to send this message instance.

    Note 1: Before using this API, upgrade your SDK to v2.2.0 or later.
    Note 2: createVideoMessage is applicable to WeChat Mini Programs, and can be used in web apps if the SDK version is v2.6.0 or later.
    Note 3: You can use WeChat Mini Programs to record a video message, or select a video from your album. However, Mini Programs do not return a thumbnail of the video. To improve user experience, the SDK creates a thumbnail for each video message by default. If you do not wish to display the default thumbnail, skip the information related to the thumbnail when rendering.
    Note 4: For video messages that require interconnection across various platforms, upgrade to the latest TUIKit or SDK on your mobile client.
    Note 5: Sending file messages such as video messages via uni-app is supported from v2.11.2. If you need to use the feature, upgrade your SDK to v2.11.2 or later and upgrade tim-upload-plugin to v1.0.2 or later.

    // Example of sending a video message in a Mini Program
    // 1. Call the Mini Program API to select a video. For more information, see
      sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], // You can specify whether the source is an album or a camera. Both are included by default.
      maxDuration: 60, // Maximum duration, which is 60s
      camera: 'back', // Rear camera
      success (res) {
        // 2. Create a message instance. The returned instance can be displayed on the screen.
        let message = tim.createVideoMessage({
          to: 'user1',
          conversationType: TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C,
          // Message priority, applicable to group chats (supported from v2.4.2). If messages in a group exceed the frequency limit, the backend delivers high-priority messages first. For more information, see
          // priority: TIM.TYPES.MSG_PRIORITY_NORMAL,
          payload: {
            file: res
          // Message custom data (saved in the cloud, will be sent to the peer end, and can still be pulled after the app is uninstalled and reinstalled; supported from v2.10.2)
          // cloudCustomData: 'your cloud custom data'
          // Starting from v2.12.2, video upload progress callback is supported on mini programs.
          onProgress: function(event) { console.log('file uploading:', event) }
        // 3. Send the message.
        let promise = tim.sendMessage(message);
        promise.then(function(imResponse) {
          // The message is sent successfully.
        }).catch(function(imError) {
          // The message fails to be sent.
          console.warn('sendMessage error:', imError);
    // Example of sending a video message in a web app (supported from v2.6.0):
    // 1. Obtain the video file, and pass in the DOM node.
    // 2. Create a message instance.
    const message = tim.createVideoMessage({
      to: 'user1',
      conversationType: TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C,
      payload: {
        file: document.getElementById('videoPicker') // Alternatively, use
      onProgress: function(event) { console.log('file uploading:', event) }
    // 3. Send the message.
    let promise = tim.sendMessage(message);
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      // The message is sent successfully.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      // The message fails to be sent.
      console.warn('sendMessage error:', imError);
    // Send a video message via uni-app. Before using this API, upgrade your SDK to v2.11.2 or later and upgrade tim-upload-plugin to v1.0.2 or later.
    // 1. Select a video.
      count: 1,
      sourceType: ['camera', 'album'], // You can specify whether the source is an album or a camera. Both are included by default.
      maxDuration: 60, // Maximum duration, which is 60s
      camera: 'back', // Rear camera
      success: function(res) {
        let message = tim.createVideoMessage({
          to: 'user1',
          conversationType: TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C,
          payload: { file: res },
          onProgress: function(event) { console.log('file uploading:', event) }
        // 2. Send the message.
        let promise = tim.sendMessage(message);
        promise.then(function(imResponse) {
          // The message is sent successfully.
        }).catch(function(imError) {
          // The message fails to be sent.
          console.warn('sendMessage error:', imError);
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    to String

    userID or groupID of the message recipient

    conversationType String

    Conversation type. Valid values: TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C (C2C conversation) and TIM.TYPES.CONV_GROUP (group conversation)

    priority String <optional>

    Message priority

    payload Object

    Message content

    Name Type Description
    file HTMLInputElement | File | Object

    It is used to select a DOM node or file object of the video file in a web app, or to record a video file in a WeChat Mini Program or select a video file from the album, or the success callback parameter of the uni.chooseVideo API. The SDK reads and uploads the data contained in this parameter.


    Message instance


    createCustomMessage(options) → {Message}

    Create a custom message. This API returns a message instance. If you need to send a custom message, call the sendMessage API to send this message instance. If the SDK does not provide the capability you need, use custom messages to customize features, for example, the dice rolling feature.

    // Example: use custom messages to implement dice rolling
    // 1. Define the random function.
    function random(min, max) {
      return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);
    // 2. Create a message instance. The returned instance can be displayed on the screen.
    let message = tim.createCustomMessage({
      to: 'user1',
      conversationType: TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C,
      // Message priority, applicable to group chats (supported from v2.4.2). If messages in a group exceed the frequency limit, the backend delivers high-priority messages first. For more information, see
      // priority: TIM.TYPES.MSG_PRIORITY_HIGH,
      payload: {
        data: 'dice', // Identify that this message is a dice message.
        description: String(random(1,6)), // Get the outcome.
        extension: ''
    // 3. Send the message.
    let promise = tim.sendMessage(message);
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      // The message is sent successfully.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      // The message fails to be sent.
      console.warn('sendMessage error:', imError);
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    to String

    userID or groupID of the message recipient

    conversationType String

    Conversation type. Valid values: TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C (C2C conversation) and TIM.TYPES.CONV_GROUP (group conversation)

    priority String <optional>

    Message priority

    payload Object

    Message content

    Name Type Description
    data String

    Data field of the custom message

    description String

    Description field of the custom message

    extension String

    Extension field of the custom message


    Message instance


    createFaceMessage(options) → {Message}

    Create an emoji message. This API returns a message instance. If you need to send an emoji message, call the sendMessage API to send this message instance.

    Note: Before using this API, upgrade your SDK to v2.3.1 or later.

    // Send an emoji message. The emoji message sending process in web apps is the same as that in Mini Programs.
    // 1. Create a message instance. The returned instance can be displayed on the screen.
    let message = tim.createFaceMessage({
      to: 'user1',
      conversationType: TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C,
      // Message priority, applicable to group chats (supported from v2.4.2). If messages in a group exceed the frequency limit, the backend delivers high-priority messages first. For more information, see
      payload: {
        index: 1, // Number. Emoji index, which is customized by the user.
        data: 'tt00' // String. Additional data.
      // Message custom data (saved in the cloud, will be sent to the peer end, and can still be pulled after the app is uninstalled and reinstalled; supported from v2.10.2)
      // cloudCustomData: 'your cloud custom data'
    // 2. Send the message.
    let promise = tim.sendMessage(message);
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      // The message is sent successfully.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      // The message fails to be sent.
      console.warn('sendMessage error:', imError);
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    to String

    userID or groupID of the message recipient

    conversationType String

    Conversation type. Valid values: TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C (C2C conversation) and TIM.TYPES.CONV_GROUP (group conversation)

    priority String <optional>

    Message priority

    payload Object

    Message content

    Name Type Description
    index Number

    Emoji index, which is customized by the user

    data String

    Extra data


    Message instance


    createFileMessage(options) → {Message}

    Create a file message. This API returns a message instance. If you need to send a file message, call the sendMessage API to send this message instance.

    Note 1: File objects are supported from v2.3.1. If you need to use file objects, upgrade your SDK to v2.3.1 or later.
    Note 2: Since v2.4.0, the maximum size of a file that can be uploaded is 100 MB.
    Note 3: WeChat Mini Programs currently do not support selection of files. Therefore, this API is not applicable to WeChat Mini Programs.
    Note 4: Sending file messages via uni-app is supported from v2.11.2. If you need to use the feature, upgrade your SDK to v2.11.2 or later and upgrade tim-upload-plugin to v1.0.2 or later.

    // Example 1 for sending a file message in a web app - Passing in a DOM node
    // 1. Create a file message instance. The returned instance can be displayed on the screen.
    let message = tim.createFileMessage({
      to: 'user1',
      conversationType: TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C,
      // Message priority, applicable to group chats (supported from v2.4.2). If messages in a group exceed the frequency limit, the backend delivers high-priority messages first. For more information, see
      payload: {
        file: document.getElementById('filePicker'),
      // Message custom data (saved in the cloud, will be sent to the peer end, and can still be pulled after the app is uninstalled and reinstalled; supported from v2.10.2)
      // cloudCustomData: 'your cloud custom data'
      onProgress: function(event) { console.log('file uploading:', event) }
    // 2. Send the message.
    let promise = tim.sendMessage(message);
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      // The message is sent successfully.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      // The message fails to be sent.
      console.warn('sendMessage error:', imError);
    // Example 2 for sending a file message in a web app - Passing in a file object
    // Add a message input box with the ID set to "testPasteInput", for example, <input type="text" id="testPasteInput" placeholder="Take a screenshot and paste it in the input box" size="30" />
    document.getElementById('testPasteInput').addEventListener('paste', function(e) {
      let clipboardData = e.clipboardData;
      let file;
      let fileCopy;
      if (clipboardData && clipboardData.files && clipboardData.files.length > 0) {
        file = clipboardData.files[0];
        // After the image message is successfully sent, the content pointed by "file" may be cleared by the browser. If you have extra rendering requirements, copy the data in advance.
        fileCopy = file.slice();
      if (typeof file === 'undefined') {
        console.warn('file is undefined. Check compatibility of the code or browser.');
      // 1. Create a message instance. The returned instance can be displayed on the screen.
      let message = tim.createFileMessage({
        to: 'user1',
        conversationType: TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C,
        payload: {
          file: file
        onProgress: function(event) { console.log('file uploading:', event) }
      // 2. Send the message.
      let promise = tim.sendMessage(message);
      promise.then(function(imResponse) {
        // The message is sent successfully.
      }).catch(function(imError) {
        // The message fails to be sent.
        console.warn('sendMessage error:', imError);
    // Send a file message via uni-app. Before using this API, upgrade your SDK to v2.11.2 or later and upgrade tim-upload-plugin to v1.0.2 or later.
    // 1. Select a file.
      count: 1,
      success: function(res) {
        let message = tim.createFileMessage({
          to: 'user1',
          conversationType: TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C,
          payload: { file: res },
          onProgress: function(event) { console.log('file uploading:', event) }
        // 2. Send the message.
        let promise = tim.sendMessage(message);
        promise.then(function(imResponse) {
          // The message is sent successfully.
        }).catch(function(imError) {
          // The message fails to be sent.
          console.warn('sendMessage error:', imError);
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    to String

    userID or groupID of the message recipient

    conversationType String

    Conversation type. Valid values: TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C (C2C conversation) and TIM.TYPES.CONV_GROUP (group conversation)

    priority String <optional>

    Message priority

    payload Object

    Message content

    Name Type Description
    file HTMLInputElement | File | Object

    It is used to select a DOM node or file object of the file in a web app, or the success callback parameter of the uni.chooseFile API. The SDK reads the data contained in this parameter and uploads the file.

    onProgress function

    Callback function used to query the upload progress


    Message instance


    createMergerMessage(options) → {Message}

    Create a combined message. This API returns a message instance. If you need to send a combined message, call the sendMessage API to send this message instance.

    Note 1: Before using this API, you need to upgrade your SDK to v2.10.1 or later.
    Note 2: This API does not support combining messages that failed to be sent. If the message list contains a message that failed to be sent, the API reports an error.

    // 1. Forward group messages to a C2C conversation.
    // message1, message2, and message3 are group messages.
    let mergerMessage = tim.createMergerMessage({
      to: 'user1',
      conversationType: TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C,
      payload: {
        messageList: [message1, message2, message3],
        title: 'Chat Records of the Talent Center in the Greater Bay Area',
        abstractList: ['allen: 666', 'iris: [Image]', 'linda: [File]'],
        compatibleText: 'Please upgrade your IM SDK to v2.10.1 or later to view this message.'
      // Message custom data (saved in the cloud, will be sent to the peer end, and can still be pulled after the app is uninstalled and reinstalled; supported from v2.10.2)
      // cloudCustomData: 'your cloud custom data'
    // 2. Send the message.
    let promise = tim.sendMessage(mergerMessage);
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      // The message is sent successfully.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      // The message fails to be sent.
      console.warn('sendMessage error:', imError);
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    to String

    userID or groupID of the message recipient

    conversationType String

    Conversation type. Valid values: TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C (C2C conversation) and TIM.TYPES.CONV_GROUP (group conversation)

    priority String <optional>

    Message priority

    payload Object

    Message content

    Name Type Description
    messageList Array.<Message>

    List of messages combined

    title String

    Title of the combined message, for example, "Chat Records of the Talent Center in the Greater Bay Area"

    abstractList String

    Digest list. You can set digest information in different formats for different message types, for example: for a text message, the digest can be in the "sender:text" format. For an image message, the digest can be in the "sender:[image]" format. For a file message, the digest can be in the "sender:[file]" format.

    compatibleText String

    Compatible text. SDKs of early versions do not support combined messages, and they will send a text message with the content ${compatibleText} by default. This parameter is required.


    Message instance


    downloadMergerMessage(message) → {Promise}

    Download a combined message. If the combined message sent by the sender is large in size, the SDK will store it on the cloud, and the message recipient needs to download it from the cloud to the local host before viewing the message.

    Note 1: Before using this API, you need to upgrade your SDK to v2.10.1 or later.

    // If downloadKey exists, the combined message received is stored on the cloud, and you need to download it first.
    if (message.type === TIM.TYPES.MSG_MERGER && message.payload.downloadKey !== '') {
      let promise = tim.downloadMergerMessage(message);
      promise.then(function(imResponse) {
        // After the download is successful, the SDK updates information such as message.payload.messageList.
      }).catch(function(imError) {
        // Download failed
        console.warn('downloadMergerMessage error:', imError);
    Name Type Description
    message Message

    Message instance


    createForwardMessage(options) → {Message}

    Create a forward message. This API returns a message instance. If you need to send a forward message, call the sendMessage API to send this message instance.

    Note 1: Before using this API, you need to upgrade your SDK to v2.10.1 or later.
    Note 2: Messages can be forwarded individually or one by one.

    let forwardMessage = tim.createForwardMessage({
      to: 'user1',
      conversationType: TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C,
      // Message priority, applicable to group chats. If messages in a group exceed the frequency limit, the backend delivers high-priority messages first. For more information, see
      payload: message, // Message instances, including messages received and sent by yourself
      // Message custom data (saved in the cloud, will be sent to the peer end, and can still be pulled after the app is uninstalled and reinstalled; supported from v2.10.2)
      // cloudCustomData: 'your cloud custom data'
    // 2. Send the message.
    let promise = tim.sendMessage(forwardMessage);
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      // The message is sent successfully.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      // The message fails to be sent.
      console.warn('sendMessage error:', imError);
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    to String

    userID or groupID of the message recipient

    conversationType String

    Conversation type. Valid values: TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C (C2C conversation) and TIM.TYPES.CONV_GROUP (group conversation)

    priority String <optional>

    Message priority

    payload Message

    Message instance


    Message instance


    sendMessage(message, optionsopt) → {Promise}

    Send a message. Before sending a message, call any of the following APIs to create a message instance and then use this API to send the message instance.

    Note 1: The SDK must be in the ready state to call this API to send message instances successfully. The SDK status can be obtained by listening for the following events:

    Note 2: To receive a newly pushed one-to-one message, group message, group notification, or group system message, you need to listen for the TIM.EVENT.MESSAGE_RECEIVED event.
    Note 3: Messages sent by this API do not trigger the TIM.EVENT.MESSAGE_RECEIVED event. Messages sent by the same account from other clients (or through the RESTful API) trigger the TIM.EVENT.MESSAGE_RECEIVED event. Note 4: Offline push is applicable only to Android or iOS terminals, and is not supported by web apps or WeChat Mini Programs.

    // If the recipient is offline, the message will be stored in the roaming server and pushed offline on the precondition that the recipient's app switches to the background or the process is killed. The default title and content of offline push are kept.
    // For more information on offline push, see
    // The message sending option is supported from v2.6.4.
    tim.sendMessage(message, {
      onlineUserOnly: true // If the recipient is offline, the message is neither stored in the roaming server nor pushed offline.
    // The message sending option is supported from v2.6.4.
    tim.sendMessage(message, {
      offlinePushInfo: {
        disablePush: true // If the recipient is offline, the message is stored in the roaming server, but is not pushed offline.
    // The message sending option is supported from v2.6.4.
    tim.sendMessage(message, {
      // If the recipient is offline, the message will be stored in the roaming server and pushed offline on the precondition that the recipient's app switches to the backend or the process is killed. The title and content of offline push can be customized at the access side.
      offlinePushInfo: {
        title: '', // Offline push title
        description: '', // Offline push content
        androidOPPOChannelID: '' // Offline push channel ID for OPPO phones that run Android 8.0 or later
    Name Type Attributes Description
    message Message

    Message instance

    options Object <optional>

    Message sending option

    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    onlineUserOnly Boolean <optional>

    Specify whether the message is sent to online users only. This parameter is supported from v2.6.4. The default value is false. If this parameter is set to true, the message is not stored in the roaming server, not counted as an unread message, and not pushed to the recipient offline. It is applicable to sending of unimportant messages, such as broadcast notifications. This parameter is not supported when an AVChatRoom sends messages.

    offlinePushInfo Object <optional>

    Offline push configuration. This parameter is supported from v2.6.4.

    Name Type Attributes Description
    disablePush Boolean <optional>

    true: disable offline push; false: enable offline push (default)

    title String <optional>

    Offline push title. This parameter is applicable to both iOS and Android.

    description String <optional>

    Offline push content. This parameter will overwrite the offline push display text of the message instance. If the sent message is a custom message, this parameter overwrites message.payload.description. If both description and message.payload.description are left unspecified, the recipient cannot receive the offline push notification of the custom message.

    extension String <optional>

    Content in the message for pass-through offline push

    ignoreIOSBadge Boolean <optional>

    Specify whether the badge count is ignored (applicable to iOS only). If this parameter is set to true, the unread message count on the app badge will not increase when the message is received by the iOS device.

    androidOPPOChannelID String <optional>

    Offline push channel ID for OPPO phones that run Android 8.0 or later


    revokeMessage(message) → {Promise}

    Recall a one-to-one message or a group message. If the recall is successful, the value of isRevoked for the recalled message is set to true.

    Note 1: Before using this API, upgrade your SDK to v2.4.0 or later.
    Note 2: The time limit for message recall is 2 minutes by default. You can log in to IM console to change this limit.
    Note 3: You can call the getMessageList API to pull recalled messages from the one-to-one or group message roaming list. Recalled messages are displayed based on isRevoked of the message object. For example, "The peer party has recalled a message" can be displayed if a message is recalled during a one-to-one conversation, or "XXX has recalled a message" can be displayed if a message is recalled during a group conversation.
    Note 4: You also use the RESTful API to recall one-to-one messages or recall group messages.

    // Proactively recall a message.
    let promise = tim.revokeMessage(message);
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      // The message is successfully recalled.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      // The message fails to be recalled.
      console.warn('revokeMessage error:', imError);
    // The message recall notification is received.
    tim.on(TIM.EVENT.MESSAGE_REVOKED, function(event) {
      // - An array that stores Message objects - [Message] - The isRevoked value of each Message object is true.
    // Obtain a message list which contains recalled messages.
    let promise = tim.getMessageList({conversationID: 'C2Ctest', count: 15});
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      const messageList =; // Message list
      messageList.forEach(function(message) {
        if (message.isRevoked) {
          // Handle the recalled messages.
        } else {
          // Handle common messages.
    Name Type Description
    message Message

    Message instance


    resendMessage(message) → {Promise}

    Resend a message. When a message fails to be sent, call this API to resend it.

    // Resend a message.
    let promise = tim.resendMessage(message); // Pass in the message instance that needs to be resent.
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      // The message is successfully resent.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      // The message fails to be resent.
      console.warn('resendMessage error:', imError);
    Name Type Description
    message Message

    Message instance to be resent


    deleteMessage(messageList) → {Promise}

    Delete messages. After successful deletion, the isDeleted property value of a deleted message is true.
    For a C2C conversation, deleted messages cannot be pulled upon the next login of the current user, but the message pulling on the peer end is not affected.
    For a group conversation, deleted messages cannot be pulled upon the next login of the current user, but the message pulling of other members in the group is not affected.

    Note 1: Before using this API, upgrade your SDK to v2.12.0 or later.
    Note 2: Up to 30 messages can be deleted at a time. If more than 30 messages need to be deleted at a time, only the first 30 messages are deleted.
    Note 3: The messages to be deleted at a time must belong to the same conversation. The conversation of the first message in the message list prevails.
    Note 4: This API can be called only once per second.
    Note 5: The operation of message deletion cannot be synchronized across multiple devices.
    Note 6: Audio-video groups (AVChatRoom) do not support message deletion. If you call this API for an audio-video group, error code 10035 will be returned.

    // Delete message. Supported from v2.12.0.
    let promise = tim.deleteMessage([message1, message2, message3, ...]);
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      // Messages are deleted successfully.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      // Messages fail to be deleted.
      console.warn('deleteMessage error:', imError);
    Name Type Description
    messageList Array

    List of messages belonging to the same conversation. Up to 30 messages are supported.


    getMessageList(options) → {Promise}

    Pull by page the message list of a specified conversation. This API is called when the message list is rendered for the first time after the user enters the conversation, or when the user pulls down the list to see more messages.

    Note: This API can be used to "pull historical messages".

    / Pull the message list for the first time when a conversation is opened.
    let promise = tim.getMessageList({conversationID: 'C2Ctest', count: 15});
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      const messageList =; // Message list.
      const nextReqMessageID =; // This parameter must be passed in for the next pulling by page.
      const isCompleted =; // It indicates whether all messages have been pulled.
    // Pull down to see more messages.
    let promise = tim.getMessageList({conversationID: 'C2Ctest', nextReqMessageID, count: 15});
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      const messageList =; // Message list.
      const nextReqMessageID =; // This parameter must be passed in for the next pulling by page.
      const isCompleted =; // It indicates whether all messages have been pulled.
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    conversationID String

    Conversation ID. Supported formats are as follows:

    • C2C${userID} (one-to-one chat)
    • GROUP${groupID} (group chat)
    • @TIM#SYSTEM (system notification conversation)
    nextReqMessageID String

    Message ID, which is used to continue pulling messages by page. This parameter can be left unspecified the first time messages are pulled. Every time the API is called, this parameter is returned, and you need to specify it for the next pulling.

    count Number <optional>

    Number of messages to be pulled. The default value and maximum value are both 15. That is, up to 15 messages can be pulled at a time.


    setMessageRead(options) → {Promise}

    Set the unread messages of a conversation to the read state. Messages set to the read state are not counted as unread messages. This API is called when you open or switch a conversation. If this API is not called when you open or switch a conversation, the corresponding messages remain in the unread state.

    // Set all unread messages of a conversation to the read state
    let promise = tim.setMessageRead({conversationID: 'C2Cexample'});
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      // Unread messages are set to the read state successfully. The value of the unreadCount property of the corresponding conversation with the specified ID is set to 0.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      // Failed to set unread messages to the read state.
      console.warn('setMessageRead error:', imError);
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Description
    conversationID String

    Conversation ID. Supported formats are as follows:

    • C2C${userID} (one-to-one chat)
    • GROUP${groupID} (group chat)
    • @TIM#SYSTEM (system notification conversation)

    getConversationList() → {Promise}

    Get the conversation list. This API will pull the latest 100 conversations and return the conversation list maintained inside the SDK after synchronization. You can call this API when you want to refresh the conversation list.

    Note 1: The profile in the conversation list obtained by this API is incomplete. It contains only the information, such as profile photo and nickname, which is sufficient to meet the rendering requirements of the conversation list. To query the detailed conversation profile, call getConversationProfile.
    Note 2: The conversation retention time is consistent with the storage time of the last message, which is 7 days by default. That is, the conversations will be stored for 7 days by default.

    // Pull the conversation list
    let promise = tim.getConversationList();
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      const conversationList =; // This conversation list will overwrite the original conversation list.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('getConversationList error:', imError); // Error information

    getConversationProfile(conversationID) → {Promise}

    Get a conversation profile. When you click a conversation in the conversation list, this API is called to get the detailed information of the conversation.

    • Conversation Structure Description
    let promise = tim.getConversationProfile(conversationID);
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      // The conversation profile is successfully obtained.
      console.log(; // Conversation profile
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('getConversationProfile error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    conversationID String

    Conversation ID. Supported formats are as follows:

    • C2C${userID} (one-to-one chat)
    • GROUP{groupID} (group chat)
    • @TIM#SYSTEM (system notification conversation)

    deleteConversation(conversationID) → {Promise}

    Delete a conversation based on the conversation ID. This API deletes only the conversation, without deleting messages. For example, if the conversation with user A is deleted, the previous chat messages will still be available next time when you initiate a conversation with user A.

    • Conversation Structure Description
    let promise = tim.deleteConversation('C2CExample');
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      // The conversation is deleted successfully.
      const { conversationID } =;// ID of the deleted conversation
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('deleteConversation error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    conversationID String

    Conversation ID. Supported formats are as follows:

    • C2C${userID} (one-to-one chat)
    • GROUP${groupID} (group chat)
    • @TIM#SYSTEM (system notification conversation)

    pinConversation(options) → {Promise}

    Pin/Unpin a conversation to/from top. After this API is called successfully, the conversation list will be sorted again, and the SDK will distribute the TIM.EVENT.CONVERSATION_LIST_UPDATED event.

    Note: This API is supported from v2.14.0.

    // Pin a conversation to top. Supported from v2.14.0.
    let promise = tim.pinConversation({ conversationID: 'C2CExample', isPinned: true });
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      // The conversation is pinned to top successfully.
      const { conversationID } =; // ID of the conversation pinned to top
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('pinConversation error:', imError); // Error information
    // Unpin a conversation from top. Supported from v2.14.0.
    let promise = tim.pinConversation({ conversationID: 'C2CExample', isPinned: false });
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      // The conversation is unpinned from top successfully.
      const { conversationID } =; // ID of the conversation unpinned from top
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('pinConversation error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Description
    conversationID String

    Conversation ID. Supported formats are as follows:

    • C2C${userID} (one-to-one chat)
    • GROUP${groupID} (group chat)
    isPinned Boolean

    true: pin the conversation to top; false: unpin the conversation from top


    getMyProfile() → {Promise}

    Get your personal profile.

    Note: Custom profile fields are supported from SDK v2.3.2. Before using this API, upgrade your SDK to v2.3.2 or later.

    • Profile Structure Description
    let promise = tim.getMyProfile();
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // Personal profile - profile instance
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('getMyProfile error:', imError); // Error information

    getUserProfile(options) → {Promise}

    Get other users' profiles. This API will get both standard profile fields and custom profile fields at the same time. For more information, please see

    Note 1: Custom profile fields are supported from SDK v2.3.2. Before using this API, upgrade your SDK to v2.3.2 or later.
    Note 2: If you have not configured any custom profile fields or you have configured custom profile fields but have not set the values, this API will not return custom profile information.
    Note 3: Profiles of no more than 100 users are pulled each time to prevent a response packet failure due to excessive data. If the array passed in contains more than 100 users, only the first 100 users will be used for profile query and the rest will be discarded.

    let promise = tim.getUserProfile({
      userIDList: ['user1', 'user2'] // Note: even if you retrieve the profile of only one user, the value must be of array type, for example, userIDList: ['user1'].
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // Array that stores other users' profiles - [Profile]
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('getUserProfile error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Search parameters

    Name Type Description
    userIDList Array.<String>

    User account list, which is of array type


    updateMyProfile(options) → {Promise}

    Update your personal profile.

    Note: Custom profile fields are supported from SDK v2.3.2. Before using this API, upgrade your SDK to v2.3.2 or later.

    // Modify your personal standard profile.
    let promise = tim.updateMyProfile({
      nick: 'My nickname',
      avatar: 'http(s)://url/to/image.jpg',
      gender: TIM.TYPES.GENDER_MALE,
      selfSignature: 'My status',
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // The profile is updated.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('updateMyProfile error:', imError); // Error information
    // Modify personal custom profile fields
    // Custom profile fields must be configured in the IM console in advance. For more information, see
    let promise = tim.updateMyProfile({
      // Ensure that you have applied for the custom profile field Tag_Profile_Custom_Test1 in the IM console by clicking the desired app card and choosing Feature Configuration > User Custom Field.
      // Note: even if only this one custom data field exists, the format of profileCustomField must be of array type.
      profileCustomField: [
          key: 'Tag_Profile_Custom_Test1',
          value: 'My custom profile 1'
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // The profile is updated.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('updateMyProfile error:', imError); // Error information
    // Modify personal standard and custom profile fields
    let promise = tim.updateMyProfile({
      nick: 'My nickname',
      // Ensure that you have applied for the custom profile fields Tag_Profile_Custom_Test1 and Tag_Profile_Custom_Test2 in the IM console by clicking the desired app card and choosing Feature Configuration > User Custom Field.
      profileCustomField: [
          key: 'Tag_Profile_Custom_Test1',
          value: 'My custom profile 1'
          key: 'Tag_Profile_Custom_Test2',
          value: 'My custom profile 2'
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // The profile is updated.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('updateMyProfile error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Profile parameters

    Name Type Description
    nick String


    avatar String

    Profile photo address

    gender String


    • TIM.TYPES.GENDER_UNKNOWN: unspecified
    selfSignature String


    allowType String

    When receiving friend requests from others:

    • TIM.TYPES.ALLOW_TYPE_ALLOW_ANY: accept any friend request received automatically without verification
    • TIM.TYPES.ALLOW_TYPE_NEED_CONFIRM: verification is required for friend requests received.
    • TIM.TYPES.ALLOW_TYPE_DENY_ANY: reject friend requests received
    birthday Number

    Birthday. Recommended format: 20000101

    location String

    Location. Recommended usage: We recommend that the app locally define a set of mappings between numbers and location names, and the backend actually stores 4 numbers of the uint32_t type, indicating the country, province, city, and county in sequence.

    language Number


    messageSettings Number

    Message setting. 0: receive messages; 1: do not receive messages

    adminForbidType String

    Whether the admin prohibits the user from initiating a friend request:

    • TIM.TYPES.FORBID_TYPE_NONE (default value): allow the user to initiate a friend request
    • TIM.TYPES.FORBID_TYPE_SEND_OUT: prohibit the user from initiating a friend request
    level Number

    Level. We recommend that you divide the level to store the level information of multiple roles.

    role Number

    Role. We recommend that you divide the role to store the information of multiple roles..

    profileCustomField Array.<Object>

    Collection of custom profile key-value pairs, which can be used as needed. For more information, please see:


    getBlacklist() → {Promise}

    Get your blocklist.

    let promise = tim.getBlacklist();
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // Your blocklist. The value is an array that contains userIDs - [userID].
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('getBlacklist error:', imError); // Error information

    addToBlacklist(options) → {Promise}

    Add a user to the blocklist. By adding a user to the blocklist, you can block all the messages sent by the user. Therefore, this API can be used to block the messages of a specified user.

    • If users A and B are friends, either one adding the other to the blocklist removes them from each other's friend list.
    • If users A and B are in a blocklist relationship, neither user A nor user B can initiate a conversation with the other user.
    • If users A and B are in a blocklist relationship, neither user A nor user B can send a friend request to the other user.
    let promise = tim.addToBlacklist({userIDList: ['user1', 'user2']}); // Note: even if you add only one userID to the blocklist, the value must be of array type, for example, userIDList: ['user1'].
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // Information on the userIDs that are added to the blocklist. The value must be an array that contains userIDs - [userID].
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('addToBlacklist error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Description
    userIDList Array.<String>

    List of the userIDs to be added to the blocklist. The number of userIDs in a single request cannot exceed 1,000.


    removeFromBlacklist(options) → {Promise}

    Remove users from the blocklist.

    let promise = tim.removeFromBlacklist({userIDList: ['user1', 'user2']}); // Note: even if you remove only one userID from the blocklist, the value must be of array type, for example, userIDList: ['user1'].
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // List of userIDs that are successfully removed from the blocklist. The value is an array that contains the userIDs - [userID].
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('removeFromBlacklist error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    option.userIDList Array.<String>

    List of the userIDs to be removed from the blocklist. The number of userIDs in a single request cannot exceed 1,000.


    Notes for using checkType:


    getFriendList() → {Promise}

    Get the friend list in the SDK cache. When a friend list is updated, the SDK distributes the TIM.EVENT.FRIEND_LIST_UPDATED event.

    Note: This API is supported from v2.13.0. Upgrade Guide.

    let promise = tim.getFriendList();
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      const friendList =; // Friend list
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('getFriendList error:', imError); // Error information

    addFriend(options) → {Promise}

    Add a friend.

    Note: This API is supported from v2.13.0. Upgrade Guide.

    // Add a friend
    let promise = tim.addFriend({
      to: 'user1',
      source: 'AddSource_Type_Web',
      remark: 'Jane',
      groupName: 'Friend',
      wording: 'I'm user0',
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      // The friend request is sent successfully.
      const { code } =;
      if (code === 30539) {
        // 30539 indicates that user1 has set the friend request processing method to manually accept friend requests received. The SDK will trigger the TIM.EVENT.FRIEND_APPLICATION_LIST_UPDATED event.
      } else if (code === 0) {
        // 0 indicates that user1 has set the friend request processing method to automatically accept all friend requests received. The SDK will trigger the TIM.EVENT.FRIEND_LIST_UPDATED event.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('addFriend error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    to String

    User ID

    source String

    Source from which a friend is added

    • The source field contains a prefix and keyword.
    • The prefix of the source field is AddSource_Type_.
    • Keyword: the keyword must be a string of letters with a length no more than 8 bytes. You are advised to use an English word or its abbreviation as the keyword.
    • Example: if the source keyword is Android, the source field is AddSource_Type_Android.
    wording String <optional>

    Friend request content:

    • The maximum length of friend request content cannot exceed 256 bytes.
    type String <optional>

    Friend adding mode, defaults to two-way friend adding

    • TIM.TYPES.SNS_ADD_TYPE_SINGLE: one-way friend adding (one-way friend relationship: B is on A's friend list, but A is not on B's friend list)
    • TIM.TYPES.SNS_ADD_TYPE_BOTH: two-way friend adding (two-way friend relationship: A and B are on each other's friend list)
    remark String <optional>

    Friend remarks

    • The maximum length of friend remarks cannot exceed 96 bytes.
    groupName String <optional>

    List information

    • The length of a list name cannot exceed 30 bytes.

    deleteFriend(options) → {Promise}

    Delete friends. Both one-way deletion and two-way deletion are supported.

    Note 1: This API is supported from v2.13.0. For more information, see Upgrade Guide. Note 2: You are advised to specify no more than 100 user IDs at a time. A larger number may cause the request to be rejected by the backend due to an excessively large data packet. The maximum size of a data packet supported by the backend is 1 MB.

    let promise = tim.deleteFriend({
      userIDList: ['user1','user2'],
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      const { successUserIDList, failureUserIDList } =;
      // List of friend userIDs that are successfully deleted
      successUserIDList.forEach((item) => {
        const { userID } = item;
      // List of friend userIDs that fail to be deleted
      failureUserIDList.forEach((item) => {
        const { userID, code, message } = item;
      // If the friend list is updated, the SDK triggers the TIM.EVENT.FRIEND_LIST_UPDATED event.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('removeFromFriendList error:', imError);
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    userIDList Array.<String>

    List of the userIDs to be deleted. The number of userIDs in a single request cannot exceed 100.

    type String <optional>

    Deletion mode. Two-way deletion is the default mode. For details, see Deleting Friends.

    • TIM.TYPES.SNS_DELETE_TYPE_SINGLE: one-way deletion (only delete B from A's friend list but do not delete A from B's friend list)
    • TIM.TYPES.SNS_DELETE_TYPE_BOTH: two-way deletion (delete A and B from each other's friend lists)

    checkFriend(options) → {Promise}

    Verify friends.

    Note: This API is supported from v2.13.0. Upgrade Guide.

    let promise = tim.checkFriend({
      userIDList: ['user0','user1'],
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      const { successUserIDList, failureUserIDList } =;
      // List of friend userIDs that pass the verification
      successUserIDList.forEach((item) => {
        const { userID, code, relation } = item; // The value of code is always 0.
        // Possible results of one-way friend verification are:
        // - relation: TIM.TYPES.SNS_TYPE_NO_RELATION: B is not on A's friend list, but it cannot determine whether A is on B's friend list.
        // - relation: TIM.TYPES.SNS_TYPE_A_WITH_B: B is on A's friend list, but it cannot determine whether A is on B's friend list.
        // Possible results of two-way friend verification are:
        // - relation: TIM.TYPES.SNS_TYPE_NO_RELATION: A and B are not on each other's friend list
        // - relation: TIM.TYPES.SNS_TYPE_A_WITH_B: B is on A's friend list, but A is not on B's friend list
        // - relation: TIM.TYPES.SNS_TYPE_B_WITH_A: B is not on A's friend list, but A is on B's friend list
        // - relation: TIM.TYPES.SNS_TYPE_BOTH_WAY: A and B are on each other's friend list
      // List of friend userIDs that fail the verification
      failureUserIDList.forEach((item) => {
        const { userID, code, message } = item;
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('checkFriend error:', imError);
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    userIDList Array.<String>

    List of friend userIDs to verify. The number of userIDs in a single request cannot exceed 1,000.

    type String <optional>

    Verification mode. Two-way verification is the default mode. For details, see Verifying Friends.

    • TIM.TYPES.SNS_CHECK_TYPE_SINGLE: one-way friend verification (check whether B is on A's friend list, but does not check whether A is on B's friend list)
    • TIM.TYPES.SNS_CHECK_TYPE_BOTH: two-way friend verification (check whether A and B are on each other's friend lists)

    getFriendProfile(options) → {Promise}

    Get the standard and custom friend and profile data of a specified user.

    Note: This API is supported from v2.13.0. Upgrade Guide.

    let promise = tim.getFriendProfile({
      userIDList: ['user0','user1']
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      const { friendList, failureUserIDList } =;
      friendList.forEach((friend) => {
        // Friend object
      // List of failed userIDs
      failureUserIDList.forEach((item) => {
        const { userID, code, message } = item;
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('getFriendProfile error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Description
    userIDList Array.<String>

    List of userIDs whose data is to be obtained


    updateFriend(options) → {Promise}

    Update the relationship chain data of friends. This API can update only friend remarks and custom relationship chain fields.

    1. This API is supported from v2.13.0. Upgrade Guide.
    2. To update friend lists, use the addToFriendGroup and removeFromFriendGroup APIs.
    // Update friend remarks
    let promise = tim.updateFriend({
      userID: 'user1',
      remark: 'helloworld'
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // Friend instance
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('getFriendProfile error:', imError); // Update failure
    // Update custom friend fields
    let promise = tim.updateFriend({
      userID: 'user1',
      friendCustomField: [
        // Custom friend fields must use the prefix Tag_SNS_Custom.
        { key: 'Tag_SNS_Custom_test1', value: 'hello' },
        { key: 'Tag_SNS_Custom_test2', value: 'world' },
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // Friend instance
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('getFriendProfile error:', imError); // Update failure
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    userID Array.<String>

    Friend userIDs whose relationship chain data is to be updated

    remark String <optional>

    Friend remarks

    • The maximum length of friend remarks cannot exceed 96 bytes.
    friendCustomField Array.<Object> <optional>

    Collection of custom friend field key-value pairs. For more information, please see


    getFriendApplicationList() → {Promise}

    Get the friend request list in the SDK cache. When a friend request list is updated, the SDK distributes the TIM.EVENT.FRIEND_APPLICATION_LIST_UPDATED event.

    Note: This API is supported from v2.13.0. Upgrade Guide.

    let promise = tim.getFriendApplicationList();
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      // friendApplicationList - Friend request list - [FriendApplication]
      // unreadCount - Unread friend request count
      // const { friendApplicationList, unreadCount } =;
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('getFriendApplicationList error:', imError); // Error information

    acceptFriendApplication(options) → {Promise}

    Accept a friend request.

    Note: This API is supported from v2.13.0. Upgrade Guide.

    let promise = tim.acceptFriendApplication({
      userID: 'user1',
      remark: 'Customer service Jack',
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      // When the friend request is successfully accepted, the SDK triggers the TIM.EVENT.FRIEND_APPLICATION_LIST_UPDATED event.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('acceptFriendApplication error:', imError);
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    userID String

    userID for which the friend request is to be accepted

    remark String <optional>

    Friend remarks

    type String

    Accepting mode

    • TIM.TYPES.SNS_APPLICATION_AGREE: agree to add as a one-way friend
    • TIM.TYPES.SNS_APPLICATION_AGREE_AND_ADD: agree to add as a two-way friend

    refuseFriendApplication(options) → {Promise}

    Reject a friend request.

    Note: This API is supported from v2.13.0. Upgrade Guide.

    let promise = tim.refuseFriendApplication({
      userID: 'user1',
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
    // When the friend request is successfully rejected, the SDK triggers the TIM.EVENT.FRIEND_APPLICATION_LIST_UPDATED event.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('refuseFriendApplication error:', imError);
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Description
    userID String

    userID for which the friend request is to be rejected


    deleteFriendApplication(options) → {Promise}

    Delete a friend request.

    Note: This API is supported from v2.13.0. Upgrade Guide.

    let promise = tim.deleteFriendApplication({
      userID: 'user1',
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      // When the friend request is successfully deleted, the SDK triggers the TIM.EVENT.FRIEND_APPLICATION_LIST_UPDATED event.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('deleteFriendApplication error:', imError);
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Description
    userID String

    userID for which the friend request is to be deleted

    type String

    Friend request type

    • TIM.TYPES.SNS_APPLICATION_SENT_TO_ME: friend request received by me
    • TIM.TYPES.SNS_APPLICATION_SENT_BY_ME: friend request sent by me

    setFriendApplicationRead() → {Promise}

    Set a friend request as read.

    Note: This API is supported from v2.13.0. Upgrade Guide.

    // Set a friend request as read
    let promise = tim.setFriendApplicationRead();
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      // Successfully set a friend request as read
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('setFriendApplicationRead error:', imError);

    getFriendGroupList() → {Promise}

    Get the list of friend lists in the SDK cache. When the list of friend lists is updated, the SDK distributes the TIM.EVENT.FRIEND_GROUP_LIST_UPDATED event.

    Note: This API is supported from v2.13.0. Upgrade Guide.

    let promise = tim.getFriendGroupList();
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      const friendGroupList =; // List of friend lists
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('getFriendGroupList error:', imError); // Error information

    createFriendGroup(options) → {Promise}

    Create a friend list.

    Note: This API is supported from v2.13.0. Upgrade Guide.

    let promise = tim.createFriendGroup({
      name: 'My friend list 1',
      userIDList: ['user0','user1']
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      const { friendGroup,failureUserIDList } = imResponse;
      // friendGroup - Friend list instance
      // failureUserIDList - List of failed userIDs
      // When the friend list is successfully created, the SDK triggers the TIM.EVENT.FRIEND_GROUP_LIST_UPDATED event.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('getFriendGroupInfo error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Description
    name String

    Friend list name

    userIDList Array.<String>

    List of friend userIDs to be added to the friend list


    deleteFriendGroup(options) → {Promise}

    Delete a friend list.

    Note: This API is supported from v2.13.0. Upgrade Guide.

    let promise = tim.deleteFriendGroup({
      name: 'My friend list 1',
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // Friend list instance
      // When the friend list is successfully deleted, the SDK triggers the TIM.EVENT.FRIEND_GROUP_LIST_UPDATED event.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('deleteFriendGroup error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Description
    name String

    Name of the friend list to be deleted


    addToFriendGroup(options) → {Promise}

    Add friends to a friend list.

    Note: This API is supported from v2.13.0. Upgrade Guide.

    let promise = tim.addToFriendGroup({
      name: 'My friend list 1',
      userIDList: ['user1','user2'],
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      const { friendGroup, failureUserIDList } =;
      // friendGroup - Friend list instance
      // failureUserIDList - List of failed userIDs
      // When the friends are successfully added to the friend list, the SDK triggers the TIM.EVENT.FRIEND_GROUP_LIST_UPDATED event.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('addToFriendGroup error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Description
    name String

    Friend list name

    userIDList Array.<String>

    List of friend userIDs to be added to the friend list


    removeFromFriendGroup(options) → {Promise}

    Remove friends from a friend list.

    Note: This API is supported from v2.13.0. Upgrade Guide.

    let promise = tim.removeFromFriendGroup({
      name: 'My friend list 1',
      userIDList: ['user1','user2'],
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      const { friendGroup, failureUserIDList } =;
      // friendGroup - Friend list instance
      // failureUserIDList - List of failed userIDs
      // When the friends are successfully removed from the friend list, the SDK triggers the TIM.EVENT.FRIEND_GROUP_LIST_UPDATED event.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('addToFriendGroup error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Description
    name String

    Friend list name

    userIDList Array.<String>

    List of friend userIDs to be removed from the friend list


    renameFriendGroup(options) → {Promise}

    Modify the name of a friend list.

    Note: This API is supported from v2.13.0. Upgrade Guide.

    let promise = tim.renameFriendGroup({
      oldName: 'Friends',
      newName: 'Besties'
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // Friend list instance
      // When the name of a friend list is changed successfully, the SDK triggers the TIM.EVENT.FRIEND_GROUP_LIST_UPDATED event.
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('updateMyProfile error:', imError);
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Description
    oldName String

    Original name of the friend list

    newName String

    New name of the friend list


    getGroupList(options) → {Promise}

    Get your group list when you need to render or refresh **My Groups**. For more information, see Group.

    Note: The group list returned by this API does not include TIM.TYPES.GRP_AVCHATROOM groups (audio-video groups).

    // This API pulls only the following information by default: group type, group name, group profile photo, and the time of the last message.
    let promise = tim.getGroupList();
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // Group list
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('getGroupList error:', imError); // Error information
    // If the profile fields that are pulled by default fail to meet your requirements, you can pull additional profile fields by referring to the following code.
    let promise = tim.getGroupList({
       groupProfileFilter: [TIM.TYPES.GRP_PROFILE_OWNER_ID],
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // Group list
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('getGroupList error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Request parameters

    Name Type Attributes Description
    groupProfileFilter Array.<String> <optional>

    Group profile filter. The system specifies some profile fields to pull by default. You can specify additional group profile fields to pull. Valid values:

    • TIM.TYPES.GRP_PROFILE_CREATE_TIME: group creation time
    • TIM.TYPES.GRP_PROFILE_LAST_INFO_TIME: the last modified time of the group
    • TIM.TYPES.GRP_PROFILE_MEMBER_NUM: the number of group members
    • TIM.TYPES.GRP_PROFILE_MAX_MEMBER_NUM: the maximum number of group members
    • TIM.TYPES.GRP_PROFILE_JOIN_OPTION: the options for joining the group
    • TIM.TYPES.GRP_PROFILE_INTRODUCTION: group introduction
    • TIM.TYPES.GRP_PROFILE_MUTE_ALL_MBRS: whether to mute all members (supported from v2.6.2)

    getGroupProfile(options) → {Promise}

    Get a group profile.

    let promise = tim.getGroupProfile({ groupID: 'group1', groupCustomFieldFilter: ['key1','key2'] });
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('getGroupProfile error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Attributes Description
    groupID String

    Group ID

    groupCustomFieldFilter Array.<String> <optional>

    Group-specific custom field filter, which specifies the group custom fields to pull. For more information, see Custom Fields.


    createGroup(options) → {Promise}

    Create a group.

    Note: After creating an audio-video group (TIM.TYPES.GRP_AVCHATROOM) via this API, you need to call the joinGroup API to join the group to enable the messaging process.

    // Create a work group
    let promise = tim.createGroup({
      type: TIM.TYPES.GRP_WORK,
      name: 'WebSDK',
      memberList: [{
        userID: 'user1',
        // Group member custom field. By default, this parameter is not available and needs to be enabled. For details, see Custom Fields.
        memberCustomField: [{key: 'group_member_test', value: 'test'}]
      }, {
        userID: 'user2'
      }] // If memberList is specified, userID must also be specified.
    promise.then(function(imResponse) { // Created successfully
      console.log(; // Profile of the created group
      // A member list is specified during group creation, but a certain user has exceeded the limit on the number of groups a single user can join.
      // If you specify userX, who has joined N groups (maximum number of groups userX can join), as a member of the group during group creation, userX cannot join the group properly.
      // The SDK places the information of userX in overLimitUserIDList for the access side to process.
      console.log(; // List of users who have exceeded the limit on the number of groups a single user can join. (Supported from v2.10.2)
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('createGroup error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter set

    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    name String

    Group name. The maximum length is 30 bytes. This parameter is required.

    type String <optional>

    Group type. Supported group types are as follows:

    • TIM.TYPES.GRP_WORK (default value): work group
    • TIM.TYPES.GRP_PUBLIC: public group
    • TIM.TYPES.GRP_MEETING: meeting group
    • TIM.TYPES.GRP_AVCHATROOM: audio-video group
    groupID String <optional>

    Group ID. If no value is specified, the SDK automatically creates a unique group ID.

    introduction String <optional>

    Group introduction. The maximum length is 240 bytes.

    notification String <optional>

    Group notice. The maximum length is 300 bytes.

    avatar String <optional>

    Group profile photo URL. The maximum length is 100 bytes.

    maxMemberNum Number <optional>

    Maximum number of group members. Default value: 200 for a work group, 2000 for a public group, 10000 for a meeting group, and no limit for an audio-video group

    joinOption String <optional>

    Method for handling requests to join the group

    • TIM.TYPES.JOIN_OPTIONS_FREE_ACCESS: allow free group joining
    • TIM.TYPES.JOIN_OPTIONS_NEED_PERMISSION: require approval for group joining
    • TIM.TYPES.JOIN_OPTIONS_DISABLE_APPLY: forbid group joining
      Note: This field cannot be entered when you create a group of the TIM.TYPES.GRP_WORK, TIM.TYPES.GRP_MEETING, or TIM.TYPES.GRP_AVCHATROOM type. A work group forbids group joining. A meeting group or an audio-video group allows free group joining.
    memberList Array.<Object> <optional>

    Initial group member list, which can contain up to 500 members. Members cannot be added when you create an audio-video group.

    Name Type Attributes Description
    userID String

    userID of the group member. Required.

    role String <optional>

    Identity of the group member. The only available value is Admin, which means to add the user and set the user as an admin.

    memberCustomField Array.<Object> <optional>

    Group member custom field. By default, this parameter is not available and needs to be enabled. For details, see Custom Fields.

    groupCustomField Array.<Object> <optional>

    Group custom field. By default, this parameter is not available and needs to be enabled. For details, see Group Member Profile.


    dismissGroup(groupID) → {Promise}

    This API is used by a group owner to delete a group.

    Note: A group owner cannot delete a work group.

    let promise = tim.dismissGroup('group1');
    promise.then(function(imResponse) { // Deleted successfully
      console.log(; // ID of the deleted group
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('dismissGroup error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    groupID String

    Group ID


    updateGroupProfile(options) → {Promise}

    Modify a group profile.

    let promise = tim.updateGroupProfile({
      groupID: 'group1',
      name: 'new name', // Modify the group name
      introduction: 'this is introduction.', // Modify the group introduction
      // Starting from v2.6.0, group members can receive group messages about group custom field modifications and obtain related content. For more information, see Message.payload.newGroupProfile.groupCustomField.
      groupCustomField: [{ key: 'group_level', value: 'high'}] // Modify the group custom field
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log( // Detailed group profile after modification
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('updateGroupProfile error:', imError); // Error information
    // Starting from v2.6.2, the SDK supports muting and unmuting all. Currently, when all users are muted in a group, group notifications cannot be delivered.
    let promise = tim.updateGroupProfile({
      groupID: 'group1',
      muteAllMembers: true, // true: mute all; false: unmute all
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log( // Detailed group profile after modification
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('updateGroupProfile error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Request parameters

    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    groupID Object

    Group ID

    name Object <optional>

    Group name. The maximum length is 30 bytes.

    avatar Object <optional>

    Group profile photo URL. The maximum length is 100 bytes.

    introduction Object <optional>

    Group introduction. The maximum length is 240 bytes.

    notification Object <optional>

    Group notice. The maximum length is 300 bytes.

    maxMemberNum Number <optional>

    Maximum number of group members. The maximum value is 6000.

    muteAllMembers Boolean

    Whether to mute all. true: mute all; false: unmute all. Supported from v2.6.2.

    joinOption String <optional>

    Method for handling requests to join the group

    • TIM.TYPES.JOIN_OPTIONS_FREE_ACCESS: allow free group joining
    • TIM.TYPES.JOIN_OPTIONS_NEED_PERMISSION: require approval for group joining.
    • TIM.TYPES.JOIN_OPTIONS_DISABLE_APPLY: forbid group joining
      Note: This field cannot be modified for a group of the TIM.TYPES.GRP_WORK, TIM.TYPES.GRP_MEETING, or TIM.TYPES.GRP_AVCHATROOM type. A work group forbids group joining. A meeting group or an audio-video group allows free group joining.
    groupCustomField Array.<Object> <optional>

    Group custom field. By default, this field is not available. To learn how to enable group-level custom fields, see Custom Fields.

    Name Type Description
    key String

    Key of the custom field

    value String

    Value of the custom field


    joinGroup(options) → {Promise}

    Request to join a specific group.


    1. Users cannot request to join a work group. They can only be added to a work group via addGroupMember.
    2. You can join an audio-video group (TIM.TYPES.GRP_AVCHATROOM) in two ways:
      2.1. Normal group joining, that is, group joining after login. In that case, all APIs in the SDK can be called properly.
      2.2. Anonymous group joining, that is, group joining without login. In that case, only messages can be received, and other APIs that require authentication cannot be called.
    3. Only audio-video groups (TIM.TYPES.GRP_AVCHATROOM) support anonymous group joining.
    4. A user can only join one audio-video group at a time. For example, if a user is already in audio-video group A and attempts to join audio-video group B, the SDK will remove the user from audio-video group A first and then add the user to audio-video group B.
    let promise = tim.joinGroup({ groupID: 'group1', type: TIM.TYPES.GRP_AVCHATROOM });
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      switch ( {
        case TIM.TYPES.JOIN_STATUS_WAIT_APPROVAL: // Waiting to be approved by the admin
        case TIM.TYPES.JOIN_STATUS_SUCCESS: // Joined the group successfully
          console.log(; // Profile of the group
        case TIM.TYPES.JOIN_STATUS_ALREADY_IN_GROUP: // The user is already in the group
      console.warn('joinGroup error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Attributes Description
    groupID String

    Group ID

    applyMessage String


    type String <optional>

    Type of the group to join. This field is required when the user wants to join an audio-video group. Valid values:

    • TIM.TYPES.GRP_PUBLIC: public group
    • TIM.TYPES.GRP_MEETING: meeting group
    • TIM.TYPES.GRP_AVCHATROOM: audio-video group

    quitGroup(groupID) → {Promise}

    Leave a group.

    Note: A group owner can only leave work groups. After the group owner leaves a work group, the work group has no group owner.

    let promise = tim.quitGroup('group1');
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // ID of the group that the user leaves
      console.warn('quitGroup error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    groupID String

    Group ID


    When the group leaving operation is successful, the return parameter contains the ID of the group that the user leaves.


    searchGroupByID(groupID) → {Promise}

    Search for a group by groupID.

    Note: Work groups (TIM.TYPES.GRP_WORK) cannot be searched.

    let promise = tim.searchGroupByID('group1');
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      const group =; // Group information
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('searchGroupByID error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    groupID String

    Group ID


    getGroupOnlineMemberCount(groupID) → {Promise}

    Get the number of online users. This API applies only to audio-video groups.

    Note: If this API is called to get the number of online users in a group other than an audio-video group, memberCount returned by the SDK is 0. It's recommended that you call this API for no more than one time per 5-10 seconds.

    // Get the number of online users in an audio-video group (supported from v2.8.0)
    let promise = tim.getGroupOnlineMemberCount('group1');
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('getGroupOnlineMemberCount error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    groupID String

    Group ID


    changeGroupOwner(options) → {Promise}

    Transfer a group. Only group owners have the permission to transfer groups.

    Note: Only group owners have the permission to transfer groups. Audio-video groups (TIM.TYPES.GRP_AVCHATROOM) cannot be transferred.

    let promise = tim.changeGroupOwner({
      groupID: 'group1',
      newOwnerID: 'user2'
    promise.then(function(imResponse) { // Transferred successfully
      console.log(; // Group profile
    }).catch(function(imError) { // Failed to transfer the group
      console.warn('changeGroupOwner error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Description
    groupID String

    ID of the group to be transferred

    newOwnerID String

    ID of the new group owner


    handleGroupApplication(options) → {Promise}

    Process (approve or reject) a group joining request.

    Note: If a group has more than one admin, all online admins will receive a group system message about the group joining request when someone requests to join the group. If one admin processes the request (accepts or rejects it), the other admins cannot process the request again (that is, cannot modify the processing result).

    let promise = tim.handleGroupApplication({
      handleAction: 'Agree',
      handleMessage: 'Welcome',
      message: message // The message instance of the group system notification for an application to join a group.
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // Group profile
      console.warn('handleGroupApplication error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Attributes Description
    handleAction String

    Processing result: Agree or Reject

    handleMessage String <optional>


    message Message

    Message instance of the corresponding group system message


    initGroupAttributes(options) → {Promise}

    Initialize group attributes. The business side needs to control the operation permission of this API based on application scenarios.

    Note 1: This API is supported from v2.14.0.
    Note 2: This API applies only to audio-video groups. If you call this API for other types of groups, this API returns the 2641 error code.
    Note 3: Before using this API, you must call the joinGroup API to join an audio-video group. Otherwise, this API returns the 2642 error code.
    Note 4: Up to 16 group attribute keys are supported, with a length limit of 32 bytes. The size of each group attribute value can be up to 4 KB, and the total size of all group attributes (including keys and values) can be up to 16 KB.

    let promise = tim.initGroupAttributes({
      groupID: 'group1',
      groupAttributes: { key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2' }
    promise.then(function(imResponse) { // Initialized successfully
      console.log(; // Group attributes initialized successfully
    }).catch(function(imError) { // Initialization failed
      console.warn('initGroupAttributes error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Description
    groupID String

    Group ID

    groupAttributes Object

    Group attributes


    setGroupAttributes(options) → {Promise}

    Set group attributes.

    Note 1: This API is supported from v2.14.0.
    Note 2: This API applies only to audio-video groups. If you call this API for other types of groups, this API returns the 2641 error code.
    Note 3: Before using this API, you must call the joinGroup API to join an audio-video group. Otherwise, this API returns the 2642 error code.

    let promise = tim.setGroupAttributes({
      groupID: 'group1',
      groupAttributes: { key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2' }
    promise.then(function(imResponse) { // Set successfully
      console.log(; // Group attributes set successfully
    }).catch(function(imError) { // Setting failed
      console.warn('setGroupAttributes error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Description
    groupID String

    Group ID

    groupAttributes Object

    Group attributes


    deleteGroupAttributes(options) → {Promise}

    Delete group attributes.

    Note 1: This API is supported from v2.14.0.
    Note 2: This API applies only to audio-video groups. If you call this API for other types of groups, this API returns the 2641 error code.
    Note 3: Before using this API, you must call the joinGroup API to join an audio-video group. Otherwise, this API returns the 2642 error code.
    Note 4: To delete specified group attributes (key-value pairs), pass in a non-empty array for keyList. To delete all group attributes, pass in an empty array for keyList.

    // Delete specified group attributes
    let promise = tim.deleteGroupAttributes({
      groupID: 'group1',
      keyList: ['key1', 'key2']
    promise.then(function(imResponse) { // Deleted successfully
      console.log(; // List of group attributes deleted successfully
    }).catch(function(imError) { // Deletion failed
      console.warn('deleteGroupAttributes error:', imError); // Error information
    // Delet all group attributes
    let promise = tim.deleteGroupAttributes({
      groupID: 'group1',
      keyList: []
    promise.then(function(imResponse) { // Deleted successfully
      console.log(; // List of group attributes deleted successfully
    }).catch(function(imError) { // Deletion failed
      console.warn('deleteGroupAttributes error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Description
    groupID String

    Group ID

    keyList Array.<String>

    List of group attribute keys


    getGroupAttributes(options) → {Promise}

    Get group attributes.

    Note 1: This API is supported from v2.14.0.
    Note 2: This API applies only to audio-video groups. If you call this API for other types of groups, this API returns the 2641 error code.
    Note 3: Before using this API, you must call the joinGroup API to join an audio-video group. Otherwise, this API returns the 2642 error code.
    Note 4: To get specified group attributes, pass in a non-empty array for keyList. To get all group attributes, pass in an empty array for keyList.

    // Get specified group attributes
    let promise = tim.getGroupAttributes({
      groupID: 'group1',
      keyList: ['key1', 'key2']
    promise.then(function(imResponse) { // Got successfully
      console.log(; // Specified group attributes
    }).catch(function(imError) { // Getting failed
      console.warn('getGroupAttributes error:', imError); // Error information
    // Get all group attributes
    let promise = tim.getGroupAttributes({
      groupID: 'group1',
      keyList: []
    promise.then(function(imResponse) { // Got successfully
      console.log(; // All group attributes
    }).catch(function(imError) { // Getting failed
      console.warn('getGroupAttributes error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Description
    groupID String

    Group ID

    keyList Array.<String>

    List of group attribute keys


    getGroupMemberList(options) → {Promise}

    Get the group member list.

    Note 1: Starting from v2.6.2, this API can be used to pull the muting stop timestamps of group members (muteUntil). Based on its value, the access side can find out whether the member is muted and the remaining muting time.
    In versions earlier than v2.6.2, this API can be used to get profile information including profile photo and nickname, which is sufficient to meet the rendering requirements of the group member list. To get detailed information such as member muting stop timestamp (muteUntil), use getGroupMemberProfile.
    Noe 2: This API is used to pull paginated list of group members and not the complete list. To get the complete list of group members (memberNum), use getGroupProfile.

    let promise = tim.getGroupMemberList({ groupID: 'group1', count: 30, offset:0 }); // Pull 30 group members starting from 0
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // Group member list
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('getGroupMemberList error:', imError);
    // Starting from v2.6.2, this API can be used to pull the muting stop timestamps of group members.
    let promise = tim.getGroupMemberList({ groupID: 'group1', count: 30, offset:0 }); // Pull 30 group members starting from 0.
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // Group member list
      for (let groupMember of {
        if (groupMember.muteUntil * 1000  > {
          console.log(`${groupMember.userID} muted`);
        } else {
          console.log(`${groupMember.userID} not muted`);
    }).catch(function(imError) {
        console.warn('getGroupMemberProfile error:', imError);
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Request parameters

    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    groupID String

    Group ID

    count Number <optional>

    Number of group members whose IDs are to be pulled. The maximum value is 100, which avoids request failure caused by excessively large returned packets. If the IDs of more than 100 members are passed in, only the IDs of the first 100 members will be pulled.

    offset Number <optional>

    Offset. Group members are pulled from 0 by default.


    getGroupMemberProfile(options) → {Promise}

    Get group member profiles, including muting durations.

    Note 1: Before using this API, upgrade your SDK to v2.2.0 or later.
    Note 2: The maximum number of users in each query is 50. If the length of the array passed in is greater than 50, only the first 50 users will be queried and the rest will be discarded.

    let promise = tim.getGroupMemberProfile({
      groupID: 'group1',
      userIDList: ['user1', 'user2'], // Note: even if you retrieve the profile of only one group member, the value must be of array type, for example, userIDList: ['user1'].
      memberCustomFieldFilter: ['group_member_custom'], // Group member custom field to query: group_member_custom
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // Group member list
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('getGroupMemberProfile error:', imError);
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Request parameters

    Name Type Attributes Description
    groupID String

    Group ID

    userIDList Array.<String>

    List of IDs of group members whose profiles you want to query

    memberCustomFieldFilter Array.<String> <optional>

    Group member custom field to query. This field is optional. If no value is passed in, the SDK queries all group member custom fields by default.


    Promise objects


    addGroupMember(options) → {Promise}

    Add group members. Detailed rules are as follows:

    • TIM.TYPES.GRP_PRIVATE (work group): any group member can invite users to the group and approval by the invitee is not required.
    • TIM.TYPES.GRP_PUBLIC (public group)/TIM.TYPES.GRP_MEETING (meeting group): only the app admin can invite users to the group and approval by the invitee is not required.
    • TIM.TYPES.GRP_AVCHATROOM (audio-video chat room): no member (including the app admin) is allowed to invite any user to the group.
    let promise = tim.addGroupMember({groupID: 'group1', userIDList: ['user1','user2','user3']});
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // userIDList of group members that were added successfully
      console.log(; // userIDList of group members that failed to be added
      console.log(; // userIDList of group members that were already in the group
      // If you specify userX, who has joined N groups (maximum number of groups userX can join), as a member of the group, userX cannot join the group properly.
      // The SDK places the information of userX in overLimitUserIDList for the access side to process.
      console.log(; // List of users who have exceeded the limit on the number of groups a single user can join. (Supported from v2.10.2)
      console.log(; // Group profile displayed after group members addition
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('addGroupMember error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Description
    groupID String

    Group ID

    userIDList Array.<String>

    An array of IDs of the group members to be added. Up to 500 group members can be added at a time.


    deleteGroupMember(options) → {Promise}

    Delete group members. Only the group owner can delete group members.

    let promise = tim.deleteGroupMember({groupID: 'group1', userIDList:['user1'], reason: 'You are deleted from the group because you have violated the group rules.'});
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // Group profile displayed after group member deletion
      console.log(; // List of userIDs of the deleted group members
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('deleteGroupMember error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Attributes Description
    groupID String

    Group ID

    userIDList Array.<String>

    List of userIDs of group members to be deleted

    reason String <optional>

    Reason for group member deletion


    setGroupMemberMuteTime(options) → {Promise}

    Set the muting duration for a group member. You can mute or unmute a group member. The muting and unmuting features are unavailable for work groups (TIM.TYPES.GRP_WORK).

    Note: Only the group owner and the group admin have the permission to perform this operation.

    • The group owner can mute and unmute the admin and common group members.
    • The admin can mute and unmute only common group members.
    let promise = tim.setGroupMemberMuteTime({
      groupID: 'group1',
      userID: 'user1',
      muteTime: 600 // The user is muted for 10 minutes. If the value is set to 0, the user is unmuted.
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // New group profile
      console.log(; // New group member profile
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('setGroupMemberMuteTime error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Description
    groupID String

    Group ID

    userID String

    User ID

    muteTime Number

    Muting duration, in seconds. For example, if the muting duration is set to 1000, the user is muted for 1,000 seconds immediately. If the muting duration is set to 0, the user is unmuted.


    setGroupMemberRole(options) → {Promise}

    Change the role of a group member. Only the group owner has the permission to perform this operation.

    let promise = tim.setGroupMemberRole({
      groupID: 'group1',
      userID: 'user1',
      role: TIM.TYPES.GRP_MBR_ROLE_ADMIN // Set user1 as the admin of group1.
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // New group profile
      console.log(; // New group member profile
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('setGroupMemberRole error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Description
    groupID String

    Group ID

    userID String

    User ID

    role String

    Valid values: TIM.TYPES.GRP_MBR_ROLE_ADMIN (group admin), TIM.TYPES.GRP_MBR_ROLE_MEMBER (common group member)


    setGroupMemberNameCard(options) → {Promise}

    Set a group member's name card.

    • The group owner can set the name cards of all members.
    • The group admin can set its own name card and the name cards of common group members.
    • Common group members can only set their own name cards.
    let promise = tim.setGroupMemberNameCard({ groupID: 'group1', userID: 'user1', nameCard: 'Name card' });
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // New group profile
      console.log(; // New group member profile
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('setGroupMemberNameCard error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Attributes Description
    groupID String

    Group ID

    userID String <optional>

    ID of the user whose name card is to be modified. The value is the user's own userID by default.

    nameCard String

    Group member name card


    setGroupMemberCustomField(options) → {Promise}

    Set a group member custom field.

    Note: Common group members can only modify their own custom fields.

    let promise = tim.setGroupMemberCustomField({ groupID: 'group1', memberCustomField: [{key: 'group_member_test', value: 'test'}]});
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // New group profile
      console.log(; // New group member profile
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('setGroupMemberCustomField error:', imError); // Error information
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Attributes Description
    groupID String

    Group ID

    userID String <optional>

    ID of the group member whose custom field is to be modified. If this field is not specified, the user's own group member custom field is modified by default.

    memberCustomField Array.<Object>

    Group member custom field

    Name Type Description
    key String

    Key of the custom field

    value String

    Value of the custom field


    setMessageRemindType(options) → {Promise}

    As a group member, set the message notification type for your group. You can use this API to mute notifications or enable new message alerts.

    // Mute notifications
    let promise = tim.setMessageRemindType({ groupID: 'group1', messageRemindType: TIM.TYPES.MSG_REMIND_DISCARD });
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // Information of the current user in the group
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('setMessageRemindType error:', imError);
    // Enable new message alert after muting notifications
    let promise = tim.setMessageRemindType({ groupID: 'group1', messageRemindType: TIM.TYPES.MSG_REMIND_ACPT_AND_NOTE });
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(; // Information of the current user in the group
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('setMessageRemindType error:', imError);
    Name Type Description
    options Object

    Parameter options

    Name Type Description
    groupID String

    Group ID

    messageRemindType String

    Group message notification type. Supported types are as follows:

    • TIM.TYPES.MSG_REMIND_ACPT_AND_NOTE: the SDK receives a message and throws a message receiving event to notify the access side, which then sends a notification.
    • TIM.TYPES.MSG_REMIND_ACPT_NOT_NOTE: the SDK receives a message and throws a message receiving event to notify the access side, which then does not send any notifications.
    • TIM.TYPES.MSG_REMIND_DISCARD: the SDK rejects a message.